My Demons (9)

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~Chaper 9 ~

The next few days you both had off so there was nothing really out of the ordinary. Ren woke you up the next morning by kissing your forehead gently. You turned over to your side and ignored it. "(Y/N) did I hurt you or somthing?"

You didin't say anything before you finally forced it out, "What the hell would you consider us?,"

He didin't answer at first before, "I don't fucking know,"

"You told me that you love me and you can't even tell me what we ARE?!" You snapped.

He grabbed your hand and held it gently in his, "What do you want me to be in your life? You want me to be your boyfriend? Is that what you want or do you want us to just to be fuck buddies?!"

You took a second before saying, "Your saying it as if I'm asking your for far too much of you! I am not asking you to do anything that you can't-" You were stopped by his Lips once again.

"I don't like you when your mad," He says pulling back, "Do you think I'm one of those guys who don't want a real relationship? I'm not, I plan on getting married one day and having kids. Is that what you want (Y/N)?"

"I want to be with a guy that loves me not just for my body and who wants to protect me and wants to make sure that Hux won't ever get to me-"

"That's what I want to be in your life. But for now I will date you and look after you because I love you and I know that I may not be capable of loving you the way some men might. But I will be hella good at it you will see," He smirks at you. "Feel better?" He rubbed your forearm gently.

You noded slowly and you leanded into him, "You deserve more. I know that for the moment that there's nothing that I can do about Hux being around you or in your presence-"

You sobbed, "Hux rapped me," His face was in shock and he couldin't beleve what you just said.

"He did?" Ren's face suddeny went pale and his eyes traced off before he looked back at you with hate, "That slipery little-"

"It happend before I have even met you. He came home and forced me to in the way that I couldin't beg for him to stop." Tears started erupting from your eyes and he embraced you and held you in his arms. He kissed your forhead and held you for a bit longer.

"My god, I'm so sorry,"

"For what?" You asked him softly.

"For what I'm going to do to the man as soon as I get out of this room," He kissed you once again and he pulled back and got dressed. You never dreamed of the day that you would tell anyone about what happend that night, but you did. There was really nothing Ren could do to protect you but losing his temper and getting punished for it. You rememberd the scars that coverd his back when he came home. He didin't have to go through that sort of pain for me, You thought to yourself.

"I have to go." He leaned over and kissed your cheek, "Please stay here and watch a movie or something. Honestly you can get away with doing anything you wish to in my quarters."

You pulled him by the collar and pressed your lips agenst his, "I'm so sorry I had to tell you like this. I'm sorry I didin't think that I would tell anyone."

"You're that much stronger now (Y/N). I love you for it and you are a very strong woman and you diserve better. You always did." He got up and slid on his mask, "I won't be long. Snapping his thin neck won't be that difficalt," With that the door shut.

You couldin't believe that the first person that you would tell about your problem would be the imfamous Kylo Ren. You wouldin't even exspect yourself to even date him for the time being. You loved the man very much and you would clearly die for him and what he has been doing for you would prove his loyalty towards you.


Ren stromed down the hall that only had a few workers where in. His boots hit the mettelic floor with ease and the rage fueled him. "General, " He started off calmly.

"Ren, suppreme leader wishes to speak to you regarding yesterdays tern outs," Hux said in that tone that only agervated Ren more.

"We aren't over yet Hux, when this is through I will have your head on my wall! MARK MY WORDS!" Kylo stromed down the hall when Hux remarked.



The large holo gram showed up. Snoke breathed in a few short raspy breaths before saying to Ren, "Kylo Ren, I would asume that general Hux talked to you? Didin't he?"

"Yes sir,"

"You know whats at stake when you abuse your power Ren? In case you forget that general Hux is clearly on your side and your rivalry is clouding your judgement,"

"Nothing is clouding my judgement supreme leader," Ren clenched his fists and dug his nails into his palm.

"Do you take me for a foul Ren?!" Kylo was brought into the air clasping his neck and gasping for air, "You will tell me what is going on between the both of you or I will kill you right here! Do you hear me?"

Kylo fell back onto the ground, "It's this girl. My secratary, Hux's ex had vilent acts comited by Hux agenst her,"

"Why would you take it in your own hands to deal with such a problem? Why would you care?"

"How could I not care Supreme Leader? She is my worker and I want her to be at full health since I have chosen her myself,"

"I see, there is nothing I can do about it. General Hux has that sort of freedom in wich he can do what ever he wishes to. You are lower ranking then him and you are to just deal with it for the time being,"

Ren's anger grew. He couldin't take it anymore, seeing the love of his life in so much pain because of what he can't do. Because he can't protect her anymore, he can't even comfort her anymore. Ren quickly stromed out of the dark room and slamed into Hux's shoulder on the way out.

"Carful Ren," He warned.

"You know what," Ren stopped in place and snapped, "I have had it with you! You think that you are the queen shit on this fucking ship when your not! You're a fucking asswhole and no ones diserves to be with you!"

"What do you know about that Ren?!"

"(Y,N) told me the whole story about you. She told me everything from even a few weeks ago when your worthless ass raped her!"

Hux seemed stuned, "That is none of your business Ren! You have no say in my sexual realations with my girlfriend."

"Thats the fucking thing, she's not your girlfriend Hux. Every fucking time she tries to tell you that you always threaten to fuck her or just touch her were no woman of her perfections should be treated. She hates you,"

"Why do you care? Why does she mean so much to you Ren? Don't lie to me I will know when you are,"

"It's nothing you would understand, I clearly care about her. She is my employee and she does her work very well, and I simply think that you are clouding her working habits,"

"No her habits appear to be normal. She does her work very well and is very orginised. I will be watching you Ren, and I don't like the tone of voice you were useing on me eirler. watch your tonge and it might just save your life one day." Hux says before walking off.

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