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Park JiMin

The class was nearly over and I can't wait to get my ass out of here. I need to go find V and ask him, Is magic real? I don't know if I'm still dreaming or something. I've never believed in magic my entire life but I just saw magic and its real.

I watched his back as he walked out of the living room. "What were you guys talking about?"asked Naomi.

"H-he just read my mind. Is that possible?"I asked and took a seat beside her. She nodded.

"Yeah, He's a mage like me but he is a level 2 mage. More powerful than me." She said.

I nodded. So there's a level. The lesser the number the more powerful the mage is. I lifted my head to her."So, what level are you? 2 or 1?" I asked.

She looked down and pouted. "I'm still a level 4 mage. I've told you, I'm still learning my magic and you'll see. One fine day, I'll be the greatest mage ever seen and you'll be begging to ma-" she stopped as she quickly cupped her mouth.

I raised an eyebrow, "Ma- what?"
She shook her head firmly. "Nothing."

I stared into her eyes and she asked, "What?" I was still staring into her eyes and She sighed.

"I can't tell you, it's too embarrassing. That thing just slipped, okay? And trust me, you don't want to know."said Naomi.

I pouted. My eyes went down to her lips, I smirked. I leaned to her and gently connecting my lips with hers before I pulled and looked away. She sat stiff and her face started to blush.

"W-what was that for?!"

"Your punishment." I said and turned to her. She scoffed. "What?! Imma! You can't just go around and ki-"

"Dinner is ready." called Siwan out of nowhere. He was standing at the door and stared at the both of us.

She nodded and stood up, walking towards the door without turning back.

I face-palmed myself. I can't even focus on what Mrs Kim is teaching us in front of the class. Luckily I'm sitting at the back of the class, beside a window. She can't caught me for daydreaming in her class the whole day.

I sighed heavily. What was I thinking when I kiss her? Why do I always lose control whenever she's in front of me? Am I going crazy?

The bell rang and we're all dismissed. I packed my stuffs and walked out of the class, looking for Taehyung.


Naomi Im

The bell rang, I walked out of our Lab towards my locker. I dropped some of my books and took my English textbook for my next class. My eyes caught a lunch box at the end of my locker.

Weird. I've never bring a lunch box to school, ever in my life. Told ya, I can't cook and Oppa's cooking yesterday was nearly bad if he doesn't use magic to save the food.

I took it out and saw a blue sticky note on the lunch box.

I made this especially for you. I'll be back home as soon as my shooting ended.

Your twin brother who loves you.

I pouted. I was moved actually and now I just want to hit his stupid head for being so sweet to me. He must've cast the lunch box to get into my locker. I suddenly remembered our talk last night before he left he house.

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