139 7 0

Park JiMin

As we (Our manager and me.) rushed to the principal office, I saw a row of busted locker. I seemed like someone punched it or hit it with a club or something. I really hope that he isn't the one who's responsible for those.

I opened the principal's door and saw Taehyung, Kyung Soo and his Appa and.. Naomi? What is she doing here?

"Mr Choi. I'm glad that you come to join us. Please take a seat." said Mr Kwon to Ki hyung, our manager.

He nodded and took a seat beside Kyung Soo's appa, Mr Do. I stood beside Naomi and saw her bruised lips and her broken glasses. I nudged her arm with my elbow and asked her about it. She looked up to me before she looked away.

"Mr Choi and Mr Do. These two got into a fight in the hallway today and my niece were involved too." He turned to Mr Do.

"I've asked them, who was the cause of the fight but then, they started fighting again. As the captain of the school's soccer team, I expected higher from you."

Kyung Soo looked down. "He just did something to me-" He mumbled.

"I'm sorry for what he have done. I'll pay for the damage he caused and-"

"No need to pay Mr Do, because I'll be the one to fix it.." said Naomi and she looked down again as Mr Kwon gave her his death glare.

"Anyways, He will be doing the community service for 2 weeks after an hour of detention for his fine. That's all, you may be excuse." said Mr Kwon and they nodded before leaving the room.

"Sit here, Naomi." ordered Mr Kwon. She took a seat beside Ki hyung.

"Can I know the reason the both of you were fighting using magic?" asked Mr Kwon to Naomi.

She lifted her head. "He was going to hurt Kyung Soo and I had to stop him. But then he fought me back and this happened." said Naomi while scratching her nape.

He turned to Ki hyung. "Mr Choi, do you know about Taehyung having a dark magic inside him?" He asked and we were shocked.

Dark magic? What is he talking about?

"Mr Kwon.."

"Mr Kim, you can't lie to me. I saw the dark aura from you and so do Naomi. We are mages, you know. So, where did you learn this magic? From whom?" He asked.

Taehyung bit his bottom lip, sitting anxiously.

"Mr Kwon. I think you're mistaken. Taehyung don't have magic, or even dark magic. He is not a magician." said Ki hyung.

"He is. I saw it just now and it's powerful. Dark magic is always powerful and dangerous. He could be come a threat to us one day." said Naomi.

"Naomi, what if you're wrong? Yah Kim Taehyung, tell us it's not true! Tell us that what they are saying is just a lie." I exclaimed.

He looked down and finally, nodding his head slowly. "It's true.. I have dark magic. I learnt it from a man I knew in the woods behind her mansion.. I'm sorry."


"W- who is the man you learnt with?" asked Mr Kwon.

"His name is Won. I only know his name is Won, I swear." He replied.

I sat down on a chair. This is crazy. Taehyung was learning dark magic all along. Why didn't I see this coming?

"But why did you learn dark magic? Why didn't you just ask me to teach you my magic?" asked Naomi.

He suddenly stood up. "Because the man, told me that the magic you are learning is weak. I want to learn a powerful magic and be as powerful as you or even better. I just wanted to make you look at me, Naomi-ah. Not him!" said Taehyung.

I froze. I thought we have talked about this. He haven't got over her. I bit my bottom lip and grabbed his collar, making Ki hyung to flinch.

"What do you mean by that?? I told you she is mine, so fuck off dude!" He smirked.

"Park Jimin. I knew you'll be like this. Too bad that you are now not as powerful as me." said Taehyung and chuckled.

"Jimin, let him go! And Taehyung stop talking nonsense." said Naomi as she pushed us apart.

He scoffed. "Yeokshi, our pretty Naomi. Let see who's better in this, -" He took out his wand and pointed to her. "Back as you fly!"

She immediately stopped the spell using her wand. The chairs were thrown to the walls while I was avoiding myself from the thrown stuffs. She panted as she were shock with his sudden attack. "Kim Taehyung! What are you doing?!" She yelled.

Mr Kwon and Ki hyung rushed out of the room. Keeping our Ki hyung to a safer place.

"Yah, Kim Taehyung!!" I yelled his name. He looked like he's no longer the Taehyung we all knew. He looked a little bit more furious with his red-alike eyes and his hard breathing.

He grunted and casted again, "Back as you fly!" But she stopped it again with her wand, this time, she budged behind.

"Taehyung-ah please stop. I'm begging you, stop using dark magic.." begged Naomi.

"Shut up! Both of you don't love me! I'll do anything to make you to love me. Including killing Jimin, if I had to!"

"Bend over backwards!" She casted and Taehyung were slammed hard, to the floor.

"Kim Taehyung, you have gone too far. This is why dark magic is forbidden. They will poison your mind and your heart will become dark. Please stop using dark magic.. don't let me hurt you." She said.

He grunted again and tried to stand up. He walked towards Naomi and grabbed her right arm. Gripping it as hard as he could and it made her groaned in pain.

"Never. I love this dark magic and I can kill him just in a blink of eye. Wanna see me do it?" asked Taehyung, still gripping her arm.

"Taehyung-ah." I called.

She tried to push his hands away but she didn't and stood while groaning in pain. She shook her head while giving me the look to just stay where I stood.

She turned to Taehyung and a tear dropped on her left cheek. "I'm sorry, Taehyung."

She took out her left hand with her large purple ring. "Dead to be not!"

She casted and Taehyung instantly let his grip off. He groaned while holding his head. She knocked him down on his nape and he fell to the floor, unconcious.

I gasped and rushed towards him. "Don't worry, he just passed out." said Naomi while holding her arm.

I glanced to her and pulled her in my arms. Thank goodness, she is kinda okay. I stroked her back slowly while mumbling, "I'm sorry." many times.

She smiled and hugged me back. "It's okay. It's wasn't your fault."

I rested my chin on her shoulder as she stroked my back, essuring me that everything is okay. Am I the cause of this mess?

I pushed us apart and rubbed my nape. "I'm going to take him to the infirmary."


A/N ; Ahh! Mianhae if this chap sucks ㅠㅠ I'm out of ideazz

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