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Derricks POV

I just laid there after Cynthia left. They were always such a good fuck, but it was never enough.

I fell asleep, but woke up earlier than usual, because something didn't feel right.

I went down the hall to Josh's room, and knocked. No answer. I tried opening the door, but it was locked.

I sighed, and mind linked him. Josh. Where are you??

He answered with Don't worry. I'm coming back anyways.

I said, just get back here already!!!!

I walked around for a while, waiting for Josh to get back. He wasn't back yet, so I went to Ashleigh.

I went to the basement, and crept to her 'room'. She was asleep, and looked quite peaceful. I saw her began to toss around, and then she started to scream.

I just kind of stood there as she screamed profanities towards my father and I.
After about ten minutes, she stilled, and fell back asleep.

I left her, and went to my office. I sat there until Josh came. I took a good look at him once he sat down.

He was covered in dirt, and his clothes were messed up. His hair was wild, like he'd been pulling on it.

The worst part about it though, was that his eyes were red and puffy.

I asked him what was wrong, and he just started to cry again. After a while he stopped, rubbed his eyes, and then looked up at me with a hateful glare.

"You knew this whole time! You knew Ashleigh was my little sister! We've been abusing and hurting her this whole time, and you didn't even give a crap!"

I was starting to freak, because his wolf was on the edge of taking control. The last time Axel came out, he sent out head enforcer to the pack hospital. He walked in on Timothy & to knot Ashleigh.

She had already managed to claw out one of his eyes before Axel got there. He fractured six of his ribs, broke one of his arms, and dislocated his jaw.

Let's just say that none of the warriors mess with Ashleigh again.

I was pulled out of my thoughts by Josh, well, Axel, growling. I looked over at him, and saw that he had gone into mid shift. A wolf that has gone into mid shift is very dangerous.

It's basically what the humans think about when they hear werewolf. Human body, wolf features. Axel never does this unless he's about to seriously hurt somebody. Like me.

I mind-linked my dad, and told him that Axel had gone mid shift.

He came over with a syringe, and five of our best protectors. They held him down while my dad injected him with a tranquilizer. He slowly started to fall asleep, and my dad turned to me.

"Son. We're selling Ashleigh to the Alpha of a rouge pack. She leaves in a week. Right when Josh will wake up. So, I want you to keep an eye on her, and if she finds her mate this week, I was you to have her reject him. Ok?"

I nodded my head. All I have to do, is make sure she doesn't find her mate before she's sold...

Ashleigh's POV

I woke up at four in the morning. I had yet another nightmare. Yippie....

I took a quick shower, and got dressed. I got everything cleaned, and made breakfast. I was in a hurry, so I just made eggs and potatoes. Zach, an asshole of a pack member, came by, and punched my shoulder. I heard a pop, but just shoved it back into it's socket. My arm is going to be bruised.

Once I was done, I grabbed my bag, and headed to school.

Along the way, I felt like somebody was watching me. I looked into the woods, and saw Derrick's wolf, Kaden, staring at me from the trees.

I shrugged it off. He does this sometimes, and I've gotten used to it.

I got to school, and went to my locker. Of course, there was death threats inside of it. I just crumpled them up, and tossed them in my locker. I grabbed my Calculus textbook, and went to class.

We were about fifteen minutes into class when somebody came in. The teacher grumbled to himself, then said, "Students, I'd like to introduce you all to Alexander Lopez. He's just transferred here from Michigan, so please treat him kindly."

I wasn't paying attention, because I needed to get my school work done. If I made even a B-, Alpha would kick me out out school!

I had just finished, so I turned it in. We were going to grade it. I got into my bag, and got my phone out. I really needed some music right now. I put my music on shuffle, and laid my head down, because I didn't have anything else I needed to do.

I felt somebody tap my shoulder, and I groaned. Who the hell is bugging me?? Especially when I'm trying to relax?

I lifted my head to see bright green eyes. I sat up the rest of the way, and gave him an annoyed look.

"Do you mind if I sit here? There's not anywhere else to sit." He said politely.

Hmm. Maybe he's not so annoying. I simply nodded, and laid my head back down.

He tapped my shoulder again. I pulled my earbuds out, and looked at him as nicely as I could could the moment.

"What do you need? I have a really bad headache, and I just want to listen to my music."

He looked at me weirdly, and began to speak. "I have a couple of questions, if you don't mind..."

He scratched the back of his neck. He looked really uncomfortable. It was pretty funny.

I giggled, and he chuckled. "Shoot. Three strikes, your dead." He looked at me with an off look.

I smirked, and he stammered, "Are....are you.... are you human?"

I raised an eyebrow. "Of course not. I live in the Dawning Eclipse pack. You?"

His eyes darkened. Was it something I said??

He was staring at my shoulder, which was sporting a rather nasty bruise. Shit. With my wolf being so weak, I couldn't heal as quickly as regular wolves.

So, tada! I have multiple bruises from multiple things. I just shrugged it off. "Alex, it's fine. It's just a bruise. It'll heal by Friday. It's nothing to worry about anyways..."

He gave me the 'you've got to be kidding me' look. I just looked away.

He can't start questioning me. Bad things happen when people ask questions...


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