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Hey guys!!! Do you think she is going to get over her fear of being with Alex? Read on, and hopefully, you'll find out. Peace!! Oh, and randomly. OMFG!!!! 100+ reads!!! Thank you all!!!!

Jennifer's POV

I looked at everyone, and called Alpha Derrick over. He almost started snarling at me, but I silenced him. I then said this, but not in my own voice: "Derrick James Alexander. I am born of the two strongest people in our world. Cole Alexander Lopez, and Kristine Ruth Almanza. My mother was a white wolf, the only one with pure white eyes, and my father was a black panther with completely black eyes. They were both extremely rare, making me the rarest being in this world. If you even think about dragging me back to that pack, I swear to the Moon Goddess herself, I will make you suffer the worst pain ever! Do you understand!?" I said with most power I could muster. Derrick looked as if he was going to fall from the shock.

I smirked, and walked up to him. He just stood still, and waited for me to get there. When I asked why he abused me for all those years, he didn't answer, and I did this.

I slapped him so hard that I think both packs heard it.
Using my natural Alpha tonr, I told him what I'd been dying to say. 😈\😇?

"This is what you'd always say, and do to me when I wouldn't listen: When I talk to you, you listen." I then whispered, "Do I have to remind you of the consequences?" I then shoved him to the floor, and started to kick him. I punched him, slapped him, stepped on him, and did almost all of the things he did to me. By the time I was done, Alex had to hold me back from more than likely killing him.

Derricks POV (oh!! U didn't see that coming!!) 😆😉
(Before the fight...)

I went to the pack I had seen her in. I don't really hate her, but my wolf, Cole, thinks that at any cost, she has to be punished. So when I really don't want to do it, Cole takes over, and by the time I get control back, she's bloodied, and more than often she has a broken bone or two.

The only reason I started to beat on her was for a dare from Josh. I honestly think she is beautiful, and she deserves to be happy, but the majority of the pack would agree to have me put to the rank of an omega, all because I showed the slightest bit of kindness towards the pack 'punching' bag.

When I went there, I saw her there, snapping at some dumbass trying to pet her. Ahh, there's my baby girl (A\N Creeper much?!). She'd always snap at anyone who would try to pet her. Me, being the asshole I am, I never told them she snaps. So, some people would end up going to the infirmary with missing fingers.

Most days, she would just lay there if i came up. Today, she whimpered and bowed to me in submission. Wow. Never thought she would actually bow down to me. Maybe this pack has taught her some manners. Finally, someone has gotten through to her. I wonder who?

I walked up to her and grabbed her by the scruff of the neck. She just gave up, and let me take her. As I began to take her to my car, she was roughly ripped out of my arms. I looked up to see some guy holding her behind him, growling lowly at me. Jennifer's whole facial expression turned into a calm I hadn't seen on her since she was little, when her 'dad' would negotiate with her over bedtime.

She then said this: "I am born of the strongest beta and Alpha panther pair ever born. I am destined to be the strongest hybrid ever born. And if you even think for the slightest second that you can challenge me, you're dead wrong." She said this in the calmest voice I'd ever heard. It scared me.

Not bad? What'd you think about Derricks POV?
Shocker, I know!
713 words!

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