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Hey guys! So..... She's in labor, her dad's a murderer, her brother met her, AND she's going to be a mom! Yay.... Peace! One more thing, for all of you who've watched Monsters Inc., on the part where sully's fighting Randall. imagine, seeing your room trashed, and those huge, deep claw marks leading to your closet. Just think about that when your going to sleep!

Jens POV

I was panting as the contractions came. Josh was making annoying breathing noises and I was about to tear his family jewels out.

I growled out," Josh, if you doing shut the hell up, I swear by all things worthy to you, I will fudging tear your balls off and wear them as a necklace!"

He paled and gripped my hand tighter."Well I'm sorry Ms. Hormonal pants, but I'm about to have a neice or nephew!"

He paled even further when I screamed out," Ms. Hormonal pants?! You try going through pregnancy, contractions, AND fucking labor before you ever call me that again. So, next time, think twice!" Alex burst out laughing, and I squeezed his hand tighter, causing him to gasp out in pain.

Now it was Josh's turn to laugh. I screamed out in pain ad the big contractions came, shutting them both up.

The doctor came in, and had Alex carry me to the delivery bed.

They propped my legs up on the paddles, giving me some relief. I had the urge to push, and did.

The doctor looked down there, and said,"Wow you're already crowning. Just a few more pushes and then your baby will come out."

I nodded and started panting again, feeling another contraction again. I screamed, and heard the doctor say push hard.

I did and felt something begin to tear. I stopped, and the doctor said," Keep going, you're almost there!"

I gripped Josh and Alex's hands harder, and pushed. I knew this had to be the one, or the baby wouldn't come out.

I pushed with all my might, and felt my vag tearing completely.

I heard a wail, and started crying. I felt another urge to push, and the doctor told me," I see another head. Push!"

I pushed until the baby came out, and he said," I see another head!"

I groaned, and smacked Alex."What was that for." He asked.

"For making me give birth!" I shifted before I pushed. After that baby was out, the doctor said," I see paws."

I gasped. How can my baby already be shifted?

I pushed twice as hard, and the pup came out. The doctor gave me the pup and my baby boy. She gave Josh my first born, and Alex my second born. I checked the pup, and she was a girl.

The doctor said," By the way, my mane is Cynthia. I'm the pack doctors wife. Call me if you need help with the babies. Your pups are healthy, and the youngest will shift back in two to three days. This is common in quadruplets. I hope they grow up strong. I smiled, and fell asleep.

Alex's POV

I looked over to Jen who was passed out from exhaustion. She's been asleep for almost a whole day. She almost lost to much blood. I'm glad she was producing it faster since she was in labor.

I still can't believe it. I have four pups! I was wondering why her stomach was so big...

I heard someone come in, and looked up, seeing somebody I hadn't expected. It was Jake. He smiled, and looked at Jen. He sighed, and said," I wish I was there for the birth. I hate that all because my mom was... you know, Dad immediately ruled Jenny as an abomination. I wish we grew up together. I'd know her better."

He looked up to me, and asked," So. How many pups do you have?"

I smiled and blew out a breath."We have four pups. The baby was born in her wolf form, but will shift back in a day or two."

He smiled, and said,"I'm going to help you with the pups. That way, we can have an extra person around to help out."

I replied,"Actually, it's me, Jen, Josh, Josh's mate, Shane, my mom and dad, my younger sister, AND, you. So week have more than enough people around."

Josh came in with Shane, and my mom, and Lillian. They each had one of the babies. My mom had the pup, and the others had the boys and my baby girl.

I took my baby girl, and kissed her.

My mom smiled, and got bad ask of a sudden." She hasn't even held her pups?!"

"Mom, she passed it from exhaustion and stress after giving birth to the pup. She'll hold them when she wakes up." She sighed a sigh of relief, and then punched me in the arm.

Jen woke up, and stretched. I smiled at her, and kissed her on the head.

She smiled, and took the pup. She kissed her on the cheek, and said," Ashley.." , and the pup licked her on the cheek. I took her from Jen, handed her to Shane, and gave her the third born.

She held him, and looked at him, and she said," Cole." She kissed his cheek, rubbing her scent on him. He smiled, and I handed him to Josh.

I handed her the first girl, and she held her tightly." She'll be strong as you! I think I'll name her... Natalie."

I handed my mom Natalie, and handed her our first born. He was strong, and would be a good alpha.

" He's yours to name, Alex." I looked at her with surprise, and said," Colton. His name is Colton after my grandfather."

I smiled, and we went to sleep, with Jen holding her baby girl, my mom the pup, Josh the younger son, and me the oldest.

Strangers POV

Don't worry, little one. I'll be back to finish you and your pups. Then I'll  start picking off your grieving loved ones...  I thought as I stared out into her window. I saw Jake stiffen, and walk out of the room. Probably going to his mate.... Who I well kill as well... along with her mother....

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