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Here's the epilogue for you guys.

Jens POV

After Alex and I got married, I was accepted into the pack fully, and was the maid of honor at both Lillian and Josh's weddings.

Lillian is pregnant, and it's going to be a girl. Alex accepted a new guy to be the head warrior. His name is Justin, and his mates name is Celina.

She has a boy and a girl who are twins, and they were born literally a day after my babies. Their names are Blake and Brooke.

We found a long lost warrior named Daniel who'd been captured by rogues. He is in the infirmary, but getting better.

I felt somebody tugging at my sleeve, and looked down to see Ashley. All the babies were turning five today. She was excited, and said, "Mommy! Look what I can do!"

She showed me a scrape on her arm, and then put her hand on it. She close her eyes, and when she opened them, they were black. They slowly turned back to the baby blue I loved. She pulled her hand away, and the scrape was gone.

Hmm. Looks like my baby girl has a gift. I smiled at her and told her to go and play. I followed her outside, and met Alex who was being tackled by Blake and Colton. I could tell those two were going to be thick as thieves.

I saw Brooke singing by the pond, and went over to her. She saw me, and smiled. I asked her if I could braid her hair. She smiled and agreed. I braided her hair, and she thanked me. I walked to Alex, and hugged him. We looked to the kids who were playing, and i smiled. 

i started thinking, and said," Alex. To think all this happened because you picked me up in the rain, saved me from an abusive pack, and brought my brother back to me. I haven't regretted one second of it."

He smiled at me, and kissed my cheek. i smiled and pecked him on the lips. The kids all went eww, and we started chasing them. the ran, and we all had the best day since i found out i was pregnant. 

I know that this was short, but this introduces all the characters in He's Mine. i hope you enjoyed this book. Peace out!!

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