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Hey guys! Sorry I haven't updated in a while. Just a little writers block. Don't hate me. Peace out!!

Jennifer's POV

I woke up with Alex's arms wrapped tightly around my waist. His face was hurried in my back. I tried but failed to untangle his arms. I huffed and sprawled out on the bed.

This guys arms have a very strong grip. I then finally maneuvered around, and found the spot he's very very ticklish in. I then started to gently prod there.

He squirmed a little, and fell asleep. I then smiled, and yelled out a pathetic war cry. He woke up, but I shushed him. I then finally held my arms up, and proceeded to start tickling him. He thrashed around, his face becoming redder than a rose. And that's saying a lot.

I had my fun. While he was catching his breath, I ran into the bathroom, and locked the door. He pounded on the door and playfully yelled.

I know that he was playing around. But it brought back very bad memories.


I was cleaning the hallway when I was shoved to the floor by Sonia and her group of mutts. She snickered and muttered a pathetic ' sorry... '.

I ignored her and went back to cleaning. Although it was something that didn't really bother me, I went into the least used bathroom and locked the door.

I took my old, dirty, small clothes off, leaving me in my undergarments. I looked at myself. I was fat. I know that to others I was skinny, I thought I was so fat, and needed to lose a lot of weight.

My hip bones were jutting out. My cheeks were gaunt and pointy. My stomach, littered with scars, was sunken in and very small. My thigh gap was huge, and I couldn't see a single inch of smooth skin on my wrists or thighs.

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