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Hey guys!! What'd you think of Derricks POV? Remember to vote, comment, and share! Love, and peace!!!!!! Derrick is not based off of Derrick from teen wolf! So get that it of your mind.

Alex's POV

Wow. That's all I can say right now. Never in my life would I think that my baby, my mate would ever hold that much power. Its so amazing that she has that much power. I'm just so amazed.

Moon goddess, thank you for my beautiful, and powerful mate!

I was snapped out of my thoughts by Jenn coming towards me, and hugging me. I hugged her back. Derrick, on the other hand, was fuming, and looked sort of scared. Finally, my baby has made him scared of something.

We both walked up to him, holding hands. Jennifer that scary calm voice, "Okay, I am going to give you two choices: One, you stay with your pack, and never come onto our land again, and Alex will not hold me back next time, or you give up your rank Alpha, and let me choose your pack's new alpha. I am giving you five minutes to decide."

She then turned to his pack. "If I hear any of you trying to persuade him otherwise, I will make your lives worse than mine was at the pack house." Damn. My baby is the most badass I've seen in a while....
Damn, I still gotta think of a nick name for her. Hmmm. We went inside, and I got Jenn a cold glass of water. As she was drinking, she all of a sudden went limp, falling out of her chair.

I ran to her, and checked for a pulse. It was fluttering, and I started to freak out. I grabbed her in my arms, and ran to the pack hospital. I yelled for the pack doctor, Cole, and laid her down in a bed.

Cole came in, and pushed me out. He had security hold me down. For what reason I had no idea.

I heard Jenn start screaming. Oh.... That's why. As I started to struggle, I ended up knocking out one guy, and breaking another guys nose and arm. Cole ended up having to sedate me.

As I went under, I heard Jenn calling my name...

Jennifer's POV

I heard Alex trying to get away from the guards. I felt how desperate he was every time I started to scream. If you were to tell me that I'd be in the worst pain possible a few weeks ago, I'd probably say you were nuts.

As I felt another wave of pain coming, Cole came with a bottle of gel and a probe. I got scared, but he told me it was for an ultra sound. Wait.... An ultrasound? Crap!! We didn't us protection the other night.

As he went to fell my stomach, I started having a panic attack. The only person I knew that could help me stop these was Alex. I knew he was being held back, so I started to scream. "ALEX!! ALEX, I NEED YOU!! ALEX!!!!!" One of the nurses came in, and was about to hold me down.

I shifted, and started to growl. Cole came back in, and began to try and calm me down. "Jennifer. You are in the middle of a very bad panic attack." No shit Sherlock! "You shifted because you have a baby. Your motherly instincts kicked in, so as of right now, you are protecting your pup. It's okay. You can shift back now. I just need to see how far along you are. Okay?" I hesitated, but finally shifted back.

He did the probe and gel thing, and told me, "You are currently 2 weeks along. But, I must tell you. Since you are a hybrid, your pregnancy will be even shorter than normal werewolf pregnancies. Since a werewolf's pregnancy is 4 months, and a panthers is 2, yours will be between 2 1\2 and 3 1\2 months. Since you are already half a month, you have 2-3 months to go. So, eat healthy, and try not to move of strain yourself too much, seeing that it could harm the baby. If anything unusual happens, have Alex bring you back. Since you are good now, I take it that Alex is awake."

"Wait, what? Why is he asleep at all?!" Cole nervously chuckled and told me how they had to sedate him and all. I wasn't too pissed, but let me say, one guy left with a broken collar bone.

Once they let us out of the hospital, and we went into the pack house I told Alex the news when we got into our room. He was ecstatic. He kissed me, and then kissed my stomach. I was giggling like crazy because I was extremely ticklish there.

We had a pack meeting, and everybody was so happy. At least there was an heir for the title. I hope its a boy.

We were in the middle of dinner when we heard howling. Alex grabbed me, and locked me in our bedroom. All the women went into the lockable basement. It could only be opened by either mine, Alex's, or his beta, Shane. Shane was gay, so the pack would accept it when he mated to a male.

Anyways, back to the point. It was my old pack attacking, and they were hitting us with all they had. Those bastards!!!

Josh's POV

As we attacked my baby sisters pack, I felt horrible. I only started doing this because one of my buddies knew I was gay, and he said that he would tell Derrick. He said that if I didn't start abusing Jenn, he would tell. He hated Jenn with a passion. I don't know what she said or did to make him hate her so much, but whatever it was, it must've been pretty bad. So I had to do it where I wasn't hurting her as much. Derrick is homophobic, so I'd be kicked out of the pack if he knew.

Right as I was about to start a fight with this black wolf, I smelt the most delicious smell. It was melted chocolate and strawberries. It was awesome. I ditched Derrick's orders and tracked it down. I locked eyes with a beautiful black wolf that had white paws, and a grey band around its neck. I was in love.

We both shifted, not caring about anybody looking at our nudity. We both then said that one word . "Mate!!"

Wow. Who would've known? Josh, gay? I thought it was a pretty good chapter. You guys? Remember to Vote, Comment, and Share this awesome ongoing book!!!

1139 words!!

Hey, I read my books to see where I've gone wrong, and saw that chapter thirteen didn't show up very well. If that is happening, comment on it, and I'll try to fix it. Peace out!

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