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Hey guys! What'd you think of the last chapter? Peace out!! Oh yah,b and happy fourth of July! Missed the update because I couldn't get Wi-Fi!

Jen's POV

I don't know why I was so tired lately. I mean, pulling a pack into your own is tiring, but it shouldn't be so tiring where you feel like you're literally going to fall over from sleep deprivation.

After we did our run, I really ihad to go pee.

I got up, and went to the bathroom. I did my business, and realized my monthly was late.

Shit! I looked through the bathroom, and actually found a pregnancy test. Hmm, surprising.

I took it, and waited the minute it took to say -, or +. One it was done, I grabbed it, and looked at it in shock.

I'm.... pregnant... I went over these thoughts over and over until it hit me. I'M PREGNANT!!

I shouted add loud as I could, and screamed," ALEEEEEEEX!!!" He ran up the stairs, and slammed the door open. "What's wrong?!"

I laughed at him. After he called down, he asked me what I'd called him for. I handed him the test, and he looked confused. "Babe, I think we need to but a new thermometer. This
one's broken."

I sighed, and said,"Go show it to your mom." He walked out, and I just flopped onto the bed.

Alright. In 5.... 4...3...2..1.... "JEENN!!!!!" Yup. Right on time. I sat up, and waited for Alex to get inside the room.

He crashed into the room, and right before he was about to answer, Lou took over.

He was glaring at me. " Jen, let Alicia take over." I did, and he started yelling at her about how we can't have a baby right now with all the stuff happening. I took over, and went mama bear on his ass.

"LOU!! It's not your say whether or not I'm having this baby! Alex, Alicia, and I all want this baby, and if you don't, then you're just going to have to deal with it. We made this baby together, and you knew this day was going to come. So, you either help me with this baby while doing everything else, or ignore me."

He looked at me, shocked. Alex was back in control, and was wincing because Lou was yelling in his head.

I sighed, and hugged Alex. "How are we going to deal with Lou?" He shrugged.

"He's just going to have to wolf up. I know that it's not the right time, but I love you, and our pup. I will not let him hurt either of you." He looked sad, and let Lou back.

"Jen, I... I'm sorry. I was thinking about the danger it'd put the pup in. I hope you can forgive me for how I acted." Wow, PMS-ing much?

I sighed and forgave him. He smiled and hugged me. I knew it'd be about a month before we would be able to see the gender.

Well, this is going to be a long four months.


Two months later

I was bored, so I went to Josh's room. I opened the door to find Shane cuddling up with Josh. I took my phone out and snapped four pics, and sent them to their phones, Alex's, and *que evil laugh* Lillian's phone!

I ran away and hid under the covers next to Alex, waiting. 

I heard yelling and stomping, and Lillian burst through the door with Josh and Shane on her tail, yelling at me.

I tried to make it seem as if I was asleep, but Josh pounced on me, and started tickling me.

I threw him off, managing to kick him in the nuts. He groaned, and I busted out laughing.

Even though it may have looked hurtful, it was friken hilarious!

We spent the whole day playing video games, and went to McDonald's for dinner. The drive in person's face was hilarious when we asked for fifty four happy meals, seventy two sodas, twenty seven large fries, sixty one Mc chickens, and twelve fruit parfaits.

That was only the purple that weren't out on patrol or out eating at a fancy restaurant.

I opened my mc chicken( did I dork that right?), and was about to take about to take a bite when I felt the sudden urge to hurl.

I ran to the bathroom and began puking. I felt Alex come up behind me and pull my hair out of the way.

I finished puking, and got up. I flushed the toilet and grabbed my toothbrush. I squeezed a crud ton of toothpaste onto my toothbrush and brushed until I felt like my mouth was clean.

I went back downstairs and tossed Lillian my food. I then made a kiwi smoothie, the only thing I could keep down lately.

I laid down, and went to sleep.


What did y'all think about the chap? Do you think is going to be a girl, boy, twins, or triplets? If you chose trip or twin, trek me the combo you want. Also, comment what names you want for the baby(s). Peace out!!

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