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Jennifer's POV

I wrote the suicide note, and addressed everybody that I knew of.

Dear Moon Lit pack,

I know that you've waited for this for a long time. So finally here it is. I have been taking your abuse for years, and as of right now, I'm at my point's end. I have been cutting myself for 5 and a half years now, and all because of you abusing me. Why bother me? I know that a lot of you hate the idea of hybrids but really? Taking it this far? Anyways, I have a message for all of you.

Alpha, you've bullied me ever since you saw my wolf. Her name is Alicia, and you don't even know how many times I've had to stop her from killing your pathetic ass. I have so many scars, and I hate you for it. If you and the pack had just accepted me, you wouldn't have to deal with a dead body. Your loss. So, I hope you have a guilty conscious for the rest of your life and I hope you rot in hell.

To my dear mate who I never had the pleasure to meet. I'm sorry you'll have to suffer through losing me. I hope you live a long and happy with your second chance mate.

All the other pack members, you helped that coward of an alpha beat me for years, and I hope you all meet a slow and painful death. I hate all of you, and wouldn't be surprised if you laughed when you find me. Hate you always,

Trigger warning

I finished the note, and got my razor out. I was wearing shorts today, so I just lifted them up. I made around 15 deep cuts on each thigh, and then made around 15-23 deeper cuts on each wrist \ arm. I then balanced on the edge of the roof, and was prepared to jump off.

I jumped, and for a moment, I But then it was immediately replaced with regret.

I felt myself slam to the ground, and felt my body erupt in pain. The pain was replaced with bliss, and I looked up to see....

Hah! Cliffhanger!! Who do you think it is? Vote, and comment.

3856 words....?
Super short!!!! Sorry

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