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Hey guys!! Hope u like this chapter. Hopefully it'll be longer than 500 words... Anyways, just to let you know, I don't get WiFi very often, so I try and update as often as I can. Love u guys, and here's chapter Eight.

Alex's POV

I woke up with my mate wrapped up in my arms. Goddess, I am so lucky to have her.

I was jarred out of my thoughts when she started to scream something about her getting hurt. I hurt me and Lou to see her in pain. I wrapped my arms around her tighter, and just held her while she cried.

She woke up a couple of minutes later, and looked at me. She smiled, and gave me a small kiss on the temple. I smiled back, and kissed her on the lips.

She got up, and stretched. I also got up, and started the car. As I was going to get up onto the highway, she asked me a question.

"Alex, where are we going to?"  I sighed and looked at her. I then replied,"Well, if I told you, it wouldn't be a surprise then wouldn't it?"

She crossed her arms over her chest, and pouted like a 6 year old. I have to say, it was pretty damn sexy, but I ignored the feeling my wolf was trying to send me- to mark her right then and there.

I started the car with a chuckle, and we got back on the highway. As we were driving, Jennifer grabbed my phone, and started taking pictures. She then started to go through my phone.

I heard her gasp, and then I looked at her. She was starting to cry, and I asked her what was wrong.

She then started to shake with rage. I was grateful that we came to a gas station. I pulled in, and parked the car.

I looked over to her and asked," Hey, babe what's wrong?" She handed me my phone, and I looked on it.

There was a nude of that slut, Sonia, that was trying to get me to kiss her at the hospital. Tagged to the text was a label: 'call me if you want a pleasured night with me, and leave that slut. 😘😍😒 ( not a real number, hopefully...) 735-9274'

I deleted the sluts text and blocked her from ever trying to contact me. I then looked over to Jenn. She was crying and trying to stifle sobs.

I went to go hug her, and I could see her eyes shift color. Her eyes were now a dark blue, and it was beautiful.

"Alex, my names Alicia. I'm Jennifer's wolf. She's really broken right now, so I'm going to talk to you right now. When did you meet Sonia?" Wow. Her wolf is really calm.

"She was straddling me when I woke up at the hospital, and trying to kiss me. She said that i-i I didn't need you, Jennifer. That she was all I needed. Sorry, but I'm going to have to let Lou take over before I hurt someone." I let Lou take over, and I went into a corner and screamed as much as I needed. In the middle of my tantrum, Lou shouted,"Alex!! Would you shut the fuck up? I'm trying to tell Alicia about what happened!! Now SHUT UP!!!"  Wow.... I never thought Lou would ever be like that... Hmm I guess its only when I'm an asshole....

I just kinda stood there waiting for Lou to finish up. I was all out of screams, so I just kicked the corner of my mind. Literally.

As I waited, I peeked into Jennifer's mind to see her curled up in a ball with another feminine figure kneeling down, whispering things to her. I watched, and Jennifer started screaming about somebody named Jessica to stop telling her that I'm not her mate.

Jennifer's POV

I was crying in a corner, trying to keep the thoughts of Sonia running her hands all over Alex, when Jessica came over with a smirk. I looked up, pissed off at her because of her little scene yesterday.

I just ignored the hate, and curled up into an even tighter ball. She came over and tore my arms from my chest. I couldn't call Alicia because she was talking to Lou, and Alex was yelling in the corner of his own mind.

So I was at the wrath of Jessica. I just sat up and wrapped my arms around my shins.

Jessica kneeled down, and lightly pushed me to the ground. I just slumped over, and curled back up into a ball.

She then started saying things that she knew would piss me off. Although I knew Alex was in his own mind, it felt like he was right there. Jessica then began to tease me about my weight, even though I only weigh 124 pounds.

Jessica didn't stop, and I started screaming.

"Please STOP!! I can't take any more of this! I know I'm not good enough, I know that maybe he's going to reject me, but that doesn't mean you have to RUB IT IN MY FACE!!!!" (😠😬 extremely pissed off or on her monthly... Wait, werewolves can't get their monthly... Never mind....).

Jessica looked shocked. I stood up, walked over to her, and slapped with all of mine and Alicia's strength.

She had a bruise already starting to show, and she had tears in her eyes. "I-i was just t-trying to make y-you a stronger person, you a-and your wolf. I just thought that it would help by building up y-your confidence, and helping you and Alex's bond become stronger... I'll leave now. I'm sorry for being a burden and a nuisance to you both... I-i'm sorry, but I just wanted you to know that I'm your sister's soul, and I was out here with you by the moon goddess!" She was sobbing by the time she was done.

I just hugged her, and let her cry on my shoulder. After she was finished, I held her at a comfortable distance. I then told her that she wasn't a nuisance, and that even if she is a bitch sometimes, we still love her.

Once that was through with, I sighed. Letting people know they're welcome with you is exhausting!

I was let back in control,and so was Alex. We had that one moment of awkward silence, and then Alex started talking.

"Hey, umm Jennifer? Who was that girl you were talking to? She wasn't your wolf, and she obviously wasn't you, so who is she?"

Oh!! Cliff hanger!!
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1145 words!! Yay!

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