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Jennifer's POV

I woke up, and looked down. I was covered in blood, and my arms hurt like hell. I tried to get up, but couldn't due to my blood loss.

My wolf Alicia, told me to let her take over so that I could get back to the pack house. I reluctantly let her take over, and she took us to the pack house to get ready for school.

I got dressed, and made breakfast early, because I didn't want to pass the pack members on the way out.

As I was walking, I was hit with scorching hot coffee. I collapsed, and screamed out in pain. I looked and saw Alpha Derrick with his buddies.

I mentally cursed, but I accidentally said it out loud. The truck screeched to a stop, and backed up. I whimpered in anticipation for my beating.

Skip after beating...

I walked, no, limped into school, an hour and 43 minutes late. I got a late pass, and walked into second period. I threw the late pass to the teacher, not caring if it got to him.

I then limped to my seat, which was unfortunately next to that new weird kid that Alicia wouldn't shut up about, Alex.

His eyes went to a blackened blue, which was pretty sexy, but I gave him one look, and his eyes reverted back to their normal chocolatey brown.

I barely got through the day, and ended up puking all that I'd eaten in the trash can. I was laughed at, but when you haven't eaten a good meal in around six years, you can't help but puke at the thought of food.

I got beat the shit out of after school, all while being called slut, attention whore, fatass, ect. I got kicked once more in the ribs, and ended up coughing up blood.

I finally gave up. I went to the roof. I was done. I'm killing myself. I can't take anymore of this. I just can't. Nobody is going to miss me, and nobody will care!

Sorry, super short, but the next one she will be doing a certain something..... =)
358 words.....

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