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Hey guys! What'd you all think about the challenge I made and tagged some people in? Enjoy this chapter, and peace! I'm sorry for the late update!

Alex's POV

I was going upstairs, about to open the door when the word kitten comed to my mind. Fudge sticks, I forgot. It's the nickname I made up for Jen like, months ago.

I went up to her, and snuggled her. She looked up annoyed, and asked why I was bugging her. I laughed, and told her," You sound grumpy, Kitten." She looked up at me, puzzled.

"Kitten?" I smiled and explained how I'd thought of that almost six months ago.

She mumbled an 'okay', and fell back asleep. I left, and ran to the car.

I pulled out one of those huge body pillows, and went to my mom.

"Mom? Can you go and give this to Jen? She's kinda pissy right now."

She burst out laughing, and said," Alex, you got yourself into this mess. You gotta deal with the angry momma. Go up there with what you think is appropriate, and snuggle with her. Now, go my slave!"

I laughed, and went off. I burst in the room with chocolate, kiwi smoothies, movies, popcorn, and the body pillow.

She woke up, and her eyes went wide. I braced myself for another momma wolf attack, but instead, all the things I was holding got taken away. She tore open a chocolate wrapper, and bit into it.

"Chocolate!" Was all she said. I got all kind of movies, and left the room to let her be on her own.

My mom was sitting there, and giggled. "Wow, you didn't get disembodied and stuffed into the closet. Good job. Ask your dad what happened when I was pregnant and got mad!"

I looked at her confused, but went to my dad's office anyways. I knocked, and went inside. He chuckled, and started talking.

"Alex, what did you want to ask me?" I had the feeling he already knew. "Dad, didn't mom just mindlink you about what I came up here for?"

He shook his head, and laughed at me. "Dad, what would mom do when she got mad at you when she was pregnant? Was it worse with me or Lillian?"

He replied, " Well, your mom would get my sister, take up the bed with her and lock me out while they watched the notebook. I remember one time she actually managed to shift without hurting you, and laid down on me, falling asleep on me. I woke up with the worst cramp in my neck. I guess I should've shifted and cuddles with her, but oh well."

I was laughing so hard by then that I was crying. I sighed, and told what happened, and he chuckled.

I went back upstairs, and gently knocked on Shane and Josh's bedroom door. They both said vine in, and opened the door.

I went over to Josh and asked him a question.

"Josh, is there anyway I can contact Jen's brother, well your brother?"

He looked at me, and sighed. He got onto his phone, and showed me a number.

I put it into my phone, and called it when I got to our bedroom.

When I heard the dial tone, I waited, and then heard it pick up.

"Beta Jacob, who is this?" I took a breath, and told him.

"I am alpha Alex from Shadow Moon pack, and I'm calling in hopes of meeting you and your father."

What'd you all think about the chap this time? Vote, comment, and share.

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