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Who was the stranger? Why did her brother came back in?

Jen's POV

I woke up, and stretched, expecting some crying, but nothing happened. I stood up, and walked towards the nursery.

I went in there, and saw Shane, Alex, Josh, and Jake each holding one of my children, and playing with them.

I snuck up behind Alex and hugged him from behind. He kissed me on the cheek, and handed me Ashley. I cradled her, and looked at her. She was already beginning to shift back.

She was so beautiful. I felt Lillian coming in, and she came in and hugged me, kissing Ashley's nose.

I looked over to Josh who was stiff, and staring at Lillian. She looked at him, and lowly purred," Mate...".

He ran to her, and started hugging the life out of her. Alex ran up to them, seperated them, and began growling at Jake. I ran to him, and pulled them apart. Alex was livid, and his wolf on the edge, about to come out. i yelled for everybody to get out of the room, and to take the babies. 

Just as Shane left, Alex shifted. he began to bark at the window, where Jake was looking into the room. 

I shifted and nudged Alex in the side. He curled up against me, and I laid down. One he was calm enough, I licked his cheek. He then shifted, and put a pair of shorts on. I did too, and pulled shorts and a t-shirt on. I walked outside, and hugged Jake.

He returned it, and then I pulled Lillian away. He got mad, and I gave him a glare and flipped him off.

I took Lillian to the side, and have her a chat. I was in the middle of my rant about how if Jake hurt her I'd tear his balls off and wear them as earrings, when I saw her neck.

" you let him mark you?! You realize how protective Alex is over you!"

She grimaced and I hugged her. I then went to Jake.

I know, super short, but I have bad writers block!

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