Twenty_ Four

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Hey guys! The last chapter was short, I know, and I know I haven't been updating recently. I have slight writers block, and I have tons of homework every night, so it's kind of hard to do that on top of my chores. I will try to update more, so, please don't give up on me. Besides, we're almost through with the book!! Peace!

Jake's POV

I knew I was in trouble when Jen was walking over to me. Lillian gave me a pitying look, and I sent her a scared one.

Once she came over, she had her 'you're so in trouble' look that she uses on Josh.

I was about to start talking when she cut me off. "Why didn't you even talk to Alex about Lillian. You didn't even talk to her father! Then you marked her, without even meeting her parents! You need to seriously rethink what you've done. Then after you do, you need to apologize to her parents and then see Alex." I looked down , defeated and deep in thought. 

She walked over to Alex, and he hugged her. He then came over to me. i thought,  oh shit. I'm in trouble!

Alex grabbed my arm, and pulled me to the corner of the house. He then began talking in his alpha tone. I had no choice but to obey. After he yelled at me, I was tired.

He stormed off, and I just kind of sat there, dumbfounded. Lillian came and hugged me. She was showing her mark proudly, and my heart soared when she kissed my cheek.

I ruined the moment by saying,"it's your brother going to kill me?"

She sighed and rolled her eyes. "Are you really scared of Alex, my brother?"

I nodded sheepishly. She groaned and left. 'Pft, women'. I thought. Lillian stopped, turned around, and growled at me. Fudge nuggets. I forgot about the link.

I turned and ran, Lillian chasing me.

Jens POV

I was in the nursery, holding Ashley. She was so beautiful. When she had shifted back, she was a healthy, beautiful baby girl. I stood up, and began changing all the babies, when Jake barges in, looking scared.

'what the hell?' I mindlinked him. He sent back,'Lillian is chasing me because I said something about women.'

I rolled my eyes, and said,"Well, if you're going to be in here, you need to help with the babies. You feed Cole and Natalie, I'll feed Colton and Ashley."

I gave him the formula, and the
pre-prepared bottles. He made both, and began to feed Cole. I began feeding Ashley.

They were a month and a half old, and they were chugging 6 oz. bottles. They were growing so fast. Literally.

Once I'd feed and burped Ashley, I moved onto Colton. Jake was still on Cole. He was a slow drinker.

Colton was halfway through the bottle when Jake started burping Cole.

Once we finished burping and feeding the babies, I changed them, and put them to bed.

I sighed, and went to the bedroom Alex and I shared.

Alex walked into the room with a bowl of ice cream, and two spoons. I smiled, and he sat down.

He gave me a big bite, and I could see the small shine of a ring band. I smiled, and took the bite anyways.

After I finished the ice cream in my mouth, I pulled the ring out.

I said," I have two things to say. Yes, I will marry you! And, babe? You're really bad at hiding things in food!"

He let out a relieved sigh, and kissed me.

I happily kissed back.  We went into the living room, and I went to Lillian, grabbing her hand.

She looked worried. "What is going on? Why do you look so happy?"

I waited a second, then shouted," ALEX ASKED ME TO MARRY HIM!!!!!!" She started jumping up and down, making plans, and heading towards her room to grab all the stuff she had prepared for our wedding.

This is where I an supposed to be, and this is where I'll stay.

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