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' Fine, but I'll need to be contained, or I'll kill everyone here.'
He held his arms out.

They locked his arms up, and the torture began....
Jennifer's POV

I was screaming out in pain. They had a special whip this time,just for me, and it was designed for wolves and panthers. I was forced to shift, and they locked me up.

It had those little flecks of metal that chipped off when it hit something ( for my wolf) and it also had spikes that would bury itself into the skin, and the skin would heal over in just seconds, leaving the wound irritable and itchy.( for my panther).

He finished after about 4 hours, and I was too weak to fight off Alicia taking control and fighting off the warriors as they started to fight her.

She was biting savagely, and she finally got the chains off. She ran up to Alex, and bit his chains off for him. We had special teeth that if inserted into a lock at the right angle, any lock could be picked.

Alex shifted, and we ran to his car. I grabbed my clothes, and got dressed. Alex just had shorts on.

We raced off, and he told me to sleep. I gladly agreed. These past few months I haven't been getting as much sleep as a usual teen. I have gotten a rough 3-5 hours thus week.

I was still partially sore from the fall, and Alpha Derrick had opened up all kinds of wounds. As a final punishment, he tore my sleeves off, showing everyone, including Alex, my scars and cuts.

I looked at Alex, and he just stared out the windshield. I was kind of nervous, so I asked,"Alex, a-are you mad at me?"

His eyes turned black with blue on the edges. It was pretty damn sexy, but the moment was ruined when he screeched to a stop on the side of the road.

He growled, and my immediate response was to cover my head and start to whimper.

He unbuckled, and pulled me into his arms. I flinched away, due to the emotional and mental scarring my pack left me with.

He pulled me in tighter, and I had a flashback

I was getting beat and it was the first time I'd been raped. I was 12 almost 13, and I was getting hit because I hadn't cracked an egg open right, causing a small piece of shell to go into the pan.

"Why are you such a screw-up?! Why didn't you die that day the rogues attacked you for being an abomination? Why were you born, you're worth nothing. You. Are. Nothing...." My brother was an excellent achiever at mental abuse, and I believed every word they said.

I was in the middle of getting hit on the back of the head when Alpha Derrick all of a sudden stopped, and looked at me with lust in his eyes. All night long, I was tortured and raped repeatedly...

I started to cry at the memory, and Alex just rocked me.

Sorry 4 being so short. Will make up 4 it throughout the next few chapters.

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