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Ashleigh's POV

I just sat there after I told him that. Of course he wouldn't believe me. Nobody ever does.

After a bit, I looked over at him. He was still glaring, and clenching his jaw. I guess I really pissed him off. And I just met him...

Just another person to hate me. I put my music back on, and pulled out my sketchbook.

I was finishing a picture of a cemetery I always dreamt about. It was always dark outside, and there was always a lone wolf on the edge of the woods. I was finishing up his color, when Alex tapped me on the shoulder again.

I pulled my earbud out, and waited for him to speak. He asked, "Where did you see that wolf? That....that's my wolf, Caine. How could you have seen my wolf before??"

I looked at him oddly. Why would this be his wolf? "I've...I've been dreaming about this wolf since I was fifteen. It's always the been the same dream and wolf." How could I have dreamt about his wolf, when I've never even met him before?!

He took a deep breath, and asked me something I was honestly scared for anybody to ask.

"Ashleigh...are your pack treating you badly?"

I paled. Of course he'd be suspicious. Who wouldn't be?? I have a huge ass bruise on my shoulder!!

I just said "I'm fine, don't worry." And to my luck, the bell rang. I ran out of the room, not wanting to run into any bullies. I put my bag up, and grabbed my earbuds. This was my free period, and I needed to clear my mind. I went to my tree, and climbed it. I've day on this one branch since freshman year. It's now in a comfy u-shape, and it's all smoothed out. I put my earbuds in, and blasted my shut the world out playlist. I closed my eyes, and dozed off.

Alex's POV

I didn't know why I had to redo my senior year. I need to learn how to care for my pack, not trigonometry.

I walked into my first period, even though I was late. The teacher introduced me, and I sat down next to a random girl after asking her permission. At least she wasn't like those sluts in the corner, with hardly anything covering them.

As I got the book I needed for this class, I took her appearance in. She had dark, almost black, hair. Vibrant golden brown eyes. Perfect curves. She was beautiful.

I was pulled from my staring by the teacher telling me to get started on my work. I looked over at her, and saw she was nearly done.

She's smart, and beautiful. I started on my work. She got up and turned hers in. As she walked past me, I caught her scent. It smelt like lilacs and earth. Cole, my wolf was going crazy. How is she my mate? She's human. I shook my head from those thoughts, And I started on my page. This stuff is so annoying.

I finished ten minutes later, and turned it in. I sat back down, and leant my head back, just enjoying her scent. It was mouthwatering. I looked over at her, and she had her head down, earbuds in.

I caught some of the lyrics. "There's man with an axe, standing in the rain. Looked me straight in my eye, this is what he had to say. NEVER FALL ASLEEP, you won't wake up! DESTROY THE GUILLOTINE, before he does!"

That's a weird choice of music... I'll look up the lyrics when I get home.... I tapped her on the shoulder. She groaned to herself, and pulled her earbud out, looking at me with an annoyed look.

"What do you need, I have a really bad headache, and just want to listen to my music."

I looked at her, and asked, "I have a couple of questions, if you don't mind..."

I scratched the back of my head. This was kind of uncomfortable. She giggled.

It was the most adorable sound in the world. She said, "Three strikes, you're dead."

I looked at the floor. She seemed human, but had power, a lot of it, radiating off her.

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