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Hey guys! Who do you think the person was? Peace out!

Jen's POV

"Well... umm, it was... you see... It was......" Josh couldn't bring himself to say whatever it was.

"You see, Jen, dad out mom never told you this, but... well, you have a... twin brother, but, he's fully werewolf. Mom never told you because she thought it would ruin his chance at becoming beta. His name is Jacob."

He paused "You two never interacted because dad knew you were a hybrid, and so when he left our pack, he joined his brother's pack. He never went rogue. He also took Jacob with him. Jacob's best friend, Christopher, is the one who threatened me and you because they were best friends, and when Jacob left, it tore him apart."

When he finished, I was close to crying, and fuming with rage. Alex saw this, and grabbed me, rocking me to calm me down.

"Josh? Can you tell me if Chris is in our cells? I want to have a word with him." Josh cringed, knowing what I was going to do. "Yeah, Jen, he's in a gentler silver cell, next to Derrick's cell."

I replied," Good. Put them in the fully silver cell, and lock them up with the silver cuffs."

Josh and Shane went hand in hand, and went down to the cells to do as I'd asked.

I turned towards Alex who had a slightly worried look in his eyes. "Alex, it's ok. They need to learn a lesson. They will still be alive after we're done." He looked confused.

"Josh and I. Since Chris and Derrick affected us both, I think it's only reasonable that we both get to punish them."

He still had a wary look in his eyes, but told me that it was okay for us to beat those two who'd made our lives a living hell.

I hugged him and said, " Alex, it's your choice if you want to watch us kill them, but I'd rather you not see me in that kind of state. If you want to see, come on."

A\N if you are sensitive to gore and violence, please don't read. I'll put up a notice when it's over. For you guys who like violence and bloody stuff, go right ahead. You have been warned....

I chose an ice pick, and walked up to Derrick. I easily broke off the tip, and grabbed a hammer.

"Hey, Derrick, how about I let you in on a little secret." I leaned into his ear and whispered," You're not leaving here alive..."

I smirked, broke the chain holding him up, and threw him against the wall. He tried to get away, but I grabbed him by the neck, and chained him to the wall.

He squirmed, and I just held him down. I then placed the ice pick tip on his neck. I gently hammered it into his neck, narrowly nicking his jugular vein.

I'd slightly punctured his vein, so it wouldn't close up entirely, and he'd slowly bleed out. It was all part of my plan.

While josh is taking care of Chris, I'd use my own advantages to kill Derrick. I slowly let myself go, and my canines were sharp as ever, my claws out and ready to rip anything apart. I was letting my animalistic side take over, and eventually, I'd let my wolf go into attack mode. All I was seeing was red and spots of black.

I punched him in the jaw, sending teeth, broken bones, spit and blood flying out of his mouth. I used the hammer to create small fractures all along his legs. He was in a lot of pain, I could tell.

I brought my claws up to his neck, and slowly choked him. While I was choking him, I drug my claws across his chest, and then I began to punch his chest, fracturing and splintering his ribs.

As he began to choke and his heart began to fail on him, I was enjoying watching him struggle. It was amusing to see him in this kind of state.

I finally got bored with watching him choke on his own blood, so I just grabbed his neck, and tore his throat out.

I looked over at Josh and it looked like he was having quite a bit of fun.

I'm not going to go into detail and all, but by the time josh and I were done with them, they weren't even recognizable as people, much less themselves.

A\N okay, the violence and gore is over !!!

Once everything was over, we washed up, and went into the living room.

Alex's POV

Seeing jen in that kind of state made me think of what she's been through, and how she was able to deal with it. While we were in the living room, she was really distant. I shook her shoulder, and she looked at me.

"Hey, Jen? What's wrong? You've been really distant lately."

She sighed and told us what's been wrong. "You know, I've been thinking. What's going to happen to our old pack? Where are they going to go? I know that some of them weren't the nicest, by they still deserve a home."

I looked around the room, and asked," Alright. If you guys think they should join our pack, raise your hand." Everybody raised their hand.

"Okay. But, they're going to have to pass the initiation. Our packs initiation is facing your absolute worst fear. You have to be locked up in a room with the thing you fear the most, and if you last three hours, you're in the pack. For the kids 12 and younger, they have to do a five minute trial."

Everybody agreed on this. We all went our separate ways, and began the paperwork, phonecalls, and everything else it would take to transfer their pack into ours.

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999 words.

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