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Hey guys!! What did you all think about the last chapter? If you did read the gory part, what did you think? Peace!!

Shane's POV

I groaned and rubbed the back of my neck to try and relieve some of the tension. Bringing this pack into ours was being a pain in the ass.

I got up and refilled my coffee cup for what seemed like the gazillionth time. Being a werewolf may have its perks, but damn! Once you get tired, its like a freit train of exhaustion.

I sat back down, and began to do the paper work when Josh came in. "Hey baby!" I don't know how he's so energetic. Hmm, I wonder how energetic he'll be in bed...

I was brought out of my naughty thoughts by josh coming behind me and hugging me. I hugged his arms, and asked him a question.

"Babe?" "Yeah?" He replied. "Well, I was wondering.... How are we going to have kids? We're both dominants, so, whose going to be the sub, and the mom?"

He looked stricken by this. He scratched his head, and said,"Well, Shane, I've never thought about that..." I got up and hugged him. "You know, it's funny that we're both betas." Josh chuckled, and looked up with a kinda of lightbulb! look.

"Why don't we just go ask Jen? She's like the expert when it comes to relationships. She may not look it, but she's a hopeless romantic." He chuckled more than likely bringing back a memory.

I smiled and then frowned. "How are we going to do that on top of ask this paperwork we have?"  He smiled, and ran off, coming back not five minutes later with good office chair, papers stacked in the seat, and his coffee mug.

He sat down next to me, and his grin faltered. "Shane? What's this huge need on your desk?!"

I nervously laughed," Hah, well, it's my paperwork?" I realized Josh is pretty scary for a guy. And my mate.

He sighed, and said," Get up. We're organizing this desk, and we're getting an office space together! No complaining, chop chop!" I groaned, but got up.

I realized Josh was more feminine than his sister, the Luna. Josh pushed me away gently, and began to clean up. Since I was to lazy to do a mind link, I called Alex.

He sounded tired. I heard rummaging in the background. "Hey, bro. Is Jen cleaning up your desk too?" He chuckled.

"Yup. She came in and saw how much of a mess I'd made with the files, and literally banished me to the couch. Is it just me, or is Josh more feminine than I realized?" I laughed. "I'd thought the exact same thing! So, you want to go on a run with the ladi-
I mean, our mates?"

Josh was glaring at me, and I smiled sheepishly. "Yeah, let's do it. Sevenish?" I said yes, and hung up. I looked at Josh, and had that smile he only had when he was enjoying something a lot.

I went behind him, and looked at his work. "You did really good, babe!" He blushed, and pecked me on the cheek.

"So... do you wanna take a shower together, or separately...?" He gasped at me.

I laughed at his reaction. He stormed off, with me running after him, apologizing. We made up, and took a shower together, but he wouldn't let me touch him with anything other than a loofa. I was disappointed, but he let me dry him off.

We got dressed in shorts, and met Alex and Jen. We ran for about an hour, then went inside, and took a nap.

So, what did you guys think of this chapter? Vote, comment, and share!

630 words

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