#11 - Say to you

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Say to you





As fast as it came it stops. Breathing heavily I stay stretched out on the wooden floor. Bakaito is still talking to me, now I can hear him, but my mind simply doesn't register what it is he's saying.

Only when he touches one of the bleeding scratches on my left ear I wince in pain and wake up from my daze.

'Len! Hey! Lenny!'

Usagi has kneeled next to me, calling out to me while shaking on my shoulders.

I look up at her and blink a few times to get my vision less blurry.

'You OK?'

I nod at her and Bakaito reaches out to pull me to my feet. He looks worried, so I throw him a kind smile. It's not reassuring, not for him, but it's the least I can do.

Rinka's back in the room too, and that "Yukito" is not here anymore.

'Uweeh? Why isn't he here? He was here just a minute ago!'

'He's in another room, we thought you wouldn't want to wake up with that old man in the same room.' Huffs Rinka.

Bakaito puts me down on the bed in the room and Usagi crawls up next to me, getting some crème and disinfectant out of her bag.

'You've been dreaming for about three hours.' She says. I nod.

'Where's Ritsu?' I notice just now. He isn't present.

'He's fine Len. I believe he mentioned something about "staying on guard" to Rinka.' Bakaito answers, trying to reassure me. When he looks at her she nods.

'You know how stubborn that guy is. He was really worried that that doctor might hurt you again.' She says, smiling at the thought.

Of all of us, Rinka has known Ritsu the longest. They're childhood friends.

I try to open my mouth to say something but before I can even make one sound Usagi interrupts me.

'He is fine.' She puts so much pressure on the "is", that I notice she's really trying to make a point.

'We're talking about Ritsu, stubborn, quiet, irritating and strong, fudging Ritsu!' Rinka says, smirking halfway through.

'Now that you're all mentioning him,'

Bakaito speaks just as Usagi puts disinfectant on the scratches.


'It's about time to change the guard.'

'Ow! I said it hurts!'

'Should I take next shift?'

'Usa- ow!!!'

A loud noise coming from the hallway puts me on the edge of the bed. Rinka rushes over to the door but before she can open it Ritsu rushes in with his bow ready to fire in front of him, aiming for something I can't see.


I pull him back by his coat. I can't reach up to his collar, so his back will have to do.

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