Chapter 19

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Shinhye's POV:

I took a shower and called Subin to see where she was. She sounded really excited and she basically yelled at me to come over quickly. I quickly got ready (a large t-shirt and leggings with wedges) and ran out the door. When I arrived, I ran to this cafe but on the way I bumped into someone and apologized. I looked to see who it was. He was wearing sunglasses and a cap so I couldnt really see who it was. He suddenly grabbed me and dragged me over to this van. I was freaking out and I was screaming in the van. 


"Shh, calm down. Its me."Someone  familiar said.

I stopped shouting while he took off his sunglasses. 

"S...Sungjae? What are you doing?"I asked. 

"Well, Subin said that you were coming so I wanted to hang out with you. Its been a while dont you think?"He asked. 

"Umm...sure..."I said. 

It was still awkward with the dream I had earlier, so I kinda distanced myself. 

"So, um. Wanna go back to the house? Or we could eat out. Whatever you want"He smiled. 

"Where is the rest of the members?" I asked, 

He frowned. 

"I wanted to spend the day with you and you ask about the other members? I asked everyone and they said it was ok. Ever since the kiss-"He stopped. 

"What kiss?"I asked. 

"Nothing."He muttered. 

I gasped. 

"Did...did we kiss before my accident?"I asked. 

" Nothing happened between us."He said. 

"Oh." I sighed of relief. 

"So, um. Now can we go on a "date"?" He asked. 

"I guess....what about Subin?"I asked. 

"She already had plans with her friends."He said. 

"Oh...ok. Dinner sounds nice."My stomach growled. 

Sungjae laughed. 

"I guess we better eat soon."He smiled. 

I turned red of embarrasement. Oh gosh. We arrived at this meat place near the house and we had a great time. We caught up on our lives (because we didnt talk much at the house or anywhere else) and we laughed our heads off. When we arrived at the house, no one was home yet, so we just sat there and watched tv. 

"Hey, I have been having these wierd dream lately, so I was planning on going to a Shaman type person tomorrow. Wanna come?"He asked. 

"Sure!"I said. 

Maybe this will help explain some of the dreams I had...

"Well, Im going to go to bed. Im really tired today, can you tell Ilhoon to wake me up when he gets here?"I asked. 

Sungjae's expression darkened but lightened back up quickly. 

"Sure. Good night!"He said. 

I was getting up when Sungjae grabbed my arm and pulled me back down to the ground. He was lying over me so that our faces were 5 cm apart. 

"Um...Sungjae, What are you doing?"I stuttered. 

"Shinhye...I...I..." He smiled. "It was just a prank! Haha...fooled you..."He said. 

He got off of me and he went to his room quickly. I was confused on what had happened so I went to my room to get ready for bed. That was wierd. 


We were dancing together in the practice room when we fell down together. His face was in front of mine. He leaned forward....

-End of Flashback-

My head started to burn. Oww....That was wierd... I ignored what had happened and went to sleep...

Sungjae's POV:

Wow, You are such a coward. You couldnt even confess to her. FOR THE SECOND TIME. (AN:Get what I put there;D?) Now she is probably going to be awkard around you now. Great job. I shook my head. 


"It was just a prank..Haha. Fooled you...." 

-End of flashback-

Oh my gosh, that is so embarrassing.... I shook my head. Just think positive. She wont think its wierd. It was just a prank...I went back outside to see if she was still there. She was gone. She probably went to sleep. I sighed. I went outside to see a girl looking around the streets. What was she doing at night? Doesnt she know its dangerous? 

"Excuse me? Do you need help finding something?"I asked. 

"Umm...Im looking for a girl named Park Shinhye...DO you know where I can find her?"She asked. 

She was really pretty...but the plastic kind. It was kinda noticeable that she did alot of plastic surgury. 

"Yeah, She lives in here. Do you need something?" I asked. 

She looked at me, then she looked at our house. She smiled. 

"No, its fine. Well. It was nice talking to you! And your name....?"She asked. 

"Its Yook Sungjae...How about yours?"I asked. 

" Yeah. Kim Junghee."She said. 

"You sure? You seem confused on your name"I joked. 

"Yeah. Its Kim Junghee. Nice to meet you."She said. 

"Nice to meet you."I said. 

She ran away to the point where I couldnt see her. That was wierd. 

"Hey!"I heard Eunkwang hyung call. 

"Hyung! How was practice?"I asked. 

"It was hard. And hot. Got any watermelon?"Minhyuk Hyung asked. 

"Not tonight. Sorry. "I said. 

While everyone went inside, I stopped Ilhoon hyung. 

"Shinhye told me that when You come, to wake her up."I said. 

"Ok."Ilhoon hyung said quietly. 

I watched as Ilhoon hyung went inside Shinhyes room. It hurt me a little that I was helping someone who didnt deserve Shinhye. I went inside my room and closed the door.....

Authors Note:

Two Chapter on one day! You know what that means!! Sucky writing>.< hehe. Continue voting, following, and READING~~ GAMSAHAMNIDA AND SARANGHAE~~

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