Chapter 33

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Shinhye's POV:

Kang BIho? Kang Biho? What...

I have definitley heard of that name somewhere...Wait...


Kang Biho was the rudest person in high school. He was semi-good looking, and he had this bad boy feel to him, which all the girls adored. He was never the person who would ask out someone first, someone would have to come to him. And they if they did confess to him, he would make it seem like a privelage that they are going out with him. Minjin, Ilhoon, and I hated his guts because he would make other girls feel unworthy of his presence. But one day, he asked me out. 

"Hey Stupid. Wanna go out?"He smirked. 

"Uh, no thanks. I wouldnt want to hang out with jerks like you."I replied. 

"Tch, I dont think you understand. Im asking you out."He said angrily. 

"Uh, yeah. I know. And I rejected you. Lets move on with life."I said. 

"This little B****."He grabbed my hair and pulled my face up to his. 

"Let go of me you pervert!"I screamed. 

I heard footsteps running towards us. He leaned in closer into my ear. 

"I will find you and kill you."He whispered. 

I laughed. 

"Good luck with that."I said. 

The teachers pulled him away and I stood there while he was being dragged to the principals room. 

-End of flashback-

"Kang Biho..."I sighed. 

"Looks like you finally remembered me."He whispered. 

"You have officially gone crazy havent you."I asked. 

"Crazy for you."He smirked. 

"Are you seriously still hung up from high school? Seriously? That was like, 5+ years ago. You have to get over it and get a new girlfriend."I said. 

"Tch, after you ruined my reputation like that? I dont think so."He laughed. 

Do you, Kang Biho, take the bride, Park Shinhye, to be your lawful wedded wife?

"I do." 

Do you, Park Shinhye, take the groom, Kang Biho, to be your lawful wedded husband?


I heard a gun click behind me and the woman muttering angrily. 

"Think again sweetheart."The woman said. 

I sighed. 

"I do."

My life, was offically over. I would have to live in a world filled with darkness and pain. A life with no love. A life without...Ilhoon. 

I pronounce you husband and wife. 

A tear rolled down my cheek. 

I love you Ilhoon. Forever and Always. 

Authors Note:

Sorry for the SUPER late update guys! I had alot of...stuff going on. I dont think you would like to hear about my ranting so yeah. Life was pretty hard this week, not gonna lie. And yes, THE GIVEAWAY HAS OFFICALLY STARTED!! All the giveaway information is on the chapter labeled "Giveaway Information". I really hope that alot of people will enter and that it wont be a fail...-.-'

The giveaway will probably last for about a month or two, depending on how many people enter. And yes, this chapter was kinda short and dissappointing. Sorry. I felt that I havent updated, so I just kinda YOLOed it. Sorry^^ I hope you all had a GREAT week and will continue to have one. I love you all;D

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