Love Is Our Weapon

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Ah, warped tour.

First day = hell, without the heat, thank god.

It was fresh, not cold, but just fresh enough for everyone to walk around without sweat. I loved Seattle.

"You ready?" Andy asked. I nodded hesitantly and he grinned, taking my hand in his and walking out of the bus.

"You think this'll work?" I whispered into Andy's ear. He nodded and pointed at Christopher who was glaring at Andy. I smiled proudly and we walked to my merch table. "You're sure Juliet is okay with this?" I asked. "We'll just tell the fans we're sharing." He shrugged. "Ew!" I smacked his arm and he laughed, kissing my cheek. "I'm kidding, come on, yes she's okay with it." He assured me. I nodded and sat down behind the table.

"I've gotta go before the fans start piling in, but don't forget what I told you earlier." Kinda hard. "I won't." I sighed. He sent me a weak smile and then left.

"What's that about?" I jumped from my seat and faced an annoyed looking Christopher. "What're you talking about?" I asked like I didn't already know. "You and Andy are a thing now? Does Juliet know?" He asked. "Yes she does, and it's none of your business." I hissed. "Man... Whatever." He walked off and I smirked to myself proudly.

"Serves him right. He ought a know what it feels like to be messed with." I turned around and smiled at Ricky who patted me on the back with a wink.

We went on to sell like hell. Ricky and I joked around a lot too, it felt good to talk to him again and try and get to know some more about him.

So far I'd learned that he fought in the Vietnam war and witnessed his brother die. After the war, he came back to the states and forgot his old life with music and a little bit of help from mother earths plants. He had a good run, but in all that, he never found the one. But he would soon.

"Alright, lets get packin' missy." Ricky said. I nodded and passed our last customer her shirt before bringing down the tent while Ricky finished up the rest.

I was walking back to the bus lugging boxes when Andy came running towards me. "Here." He grabbed the boxes from me and I smiled. "Thanks." He shrugged.

"So how was today?" He asked. "It was... Fine for my first day I guess. What about you?" I asked. "Perfect way to start it off." He smiled. "Where do I put these?" He asked. "Oh! Right, come on.. Ricky said they've gotta go in some van." I mumbled. He nodded and I led him to the truck. He was loading the boxes in and I was making sure everything was locked.

"All done?" He asked. "Yep." I said. He nodded. "I'll walk you to your bus." He said. "Thanks." I grinned. "You're one evil little boy, using love as a weapon and all." I laughed. "Well, if we keep it up, make him think we're in love, we can bring him down. He'll confess his undying love for you and happily ever after." He said. "So, you think it'll work?" I asked. "I dunno, maybe?" He guessed. I nodded. "Alright come on." He hung his arm around my shoulder and we joked all the way to the bus. He was being really sweet, and he wasn't overdoing it.

"Alright, bye Andy!" I hollered down the steps of the bus. "Bye babe!" He winked. I shook my head and plopped on the couch.

"How was your day with pale face?" Chris hissed. "Pale face? Seriously? Shut up Chris." I chuckled. "Whatever, he isn't good for you." He mumbled. "Oh, and you are? It was great by the way, not that you'd care about my happiness." I growled, slamming the door to the back lounge.

"Hey Schmitt." I whispered. She purred and circled around my feet, making me smile. I threw myself on the bed and turned on the Netflix, trying to ignore Chris's feet at my door.

Chris's POV

Okay, I sort of deserved that. I let out a sigh before looking over at the guys. They nodded and I cussed them out in my head.

"Amy?" I said knocking on her door. "Go the fuck away." I heard her say. I rolled my eyes and knocked again. "I'm sorry, I'll lay off you guys. Just- please- I'm sorry..." I sighed. Maybe I was lying, but if she forgave me then I'd be able to see her. I couldn't not see her.

"Fine." She mumbled. The door unlocked and she opened it, seeing her standing in some plaid pyjama bottoms and a tank top. "Thank you." I smiled. "Whatever, get out." She said. "Aw, come on. Lets watch some movies!" I whined. She rolled her eyes and made space for me on the bed. "Good girl." I smirked. She smacked me with a pillow and laughed.

"Come on." I mumbled, putting a move on a Netflix an snatching the cover from her.

I spent the night on the floor while she and Schmitty took up the whole damn bed, throwing pillows at me every goddamn five friggin seconds and laughing her ass off.

But, it was still a goodnight.

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