California (Part 1)

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Christopher's POV

Amy had a hurt facial expression. Was she jealous? I shrugged and let Del in. "So what're you guys doing?" Del asked in a curious tone. "She was just helping me pack and now," I began. "I'm leaving." Amy finished for me. A frown formed on my face as she walked out. Delilah smiled at me as she closed the door. "What're you packing for?" She asked with a frown. "Tour." I answered. "Ooh! Like a cross country race? Or like some scientific expedition?" She guessed. "More like touring as in playing gigs and stuff." I explained. "Oh." She said sounding disappointed. "Yea. Well, I gotta finish packing. I leave tomorrow evening." I said walking her towards the door. "I can help!" She exclaimed. I sighed but let her stay.

Amy's POV

Why had that pissed me off so much? Whatever. I sank down to the floor and sighed, letting Smitty curl up on my lap. "I hate boys." I whispered to her softly. She purred in response and I set her down. I needed some music and coffee.

I walked to the kitchen, making myself a quick frapuccino. I topped it off with some whipped cream and chocolate drizzle, just how I like it. Walking to the porch, I grabbed my laptop and pulled up my spotify. I wonder if his band would pop up?

'NeverShoutNever' I typed in. It pulled up some songs I'd never heard of.




I went down the list, scrolling back up to listen to the first one. Right away, I recognized his voice. Damn, he had a voice on him. I listened to a few more before closing my laptop back up and heading into my bedroom. I peeled the cover back and fell into the cushion. Smitty curled up on a corner of the bed as I tucked myself in. Before falling asleep, as always, I pulled out my phone. I had a missed call from Lilah.

To Thing 1:

Sorry, what'd u need?

From Thing 1:

Chris wanted ur number 4 his uncle. Expect a call any minute now.

I sighed and set down my phone. As if on cue, my phone rang. "Hello?" I answered. "Hey Amber-" Ricky's voice began. "Amy." I corrected. "Right, I'm sorry. I'm closing the shop for a month or two. Chris needs me on tour. Drop the keys by tomorrow so I can lock up. Thanks Amb- I mean Amy." He said before clicking.

I felt my cheeks heat up and my body boiled in rage. I had finally gotten a job, and because of that stupid boy, I lost it! Ugh! I hate him! That's the understatement of the century!

To Thing 1:

Give me his number N O W! (Chris)

From Thing 1:

507-456- 8956

I dialed the number rapidly. It rang once. Twice. Third time. "Hello?" Chris' voice sounded through the phone. "You stupid fucking asshole! I just lost my job because of you! Do you know how hard it is to get a job around here?! Ugh! I hope your happy!" I sneered before hanging up.

I sighed and grabbed Smitty, holding her close to me. "You're my only friend right now." I whispered scratching her belly. She meowed in response and rested her head on the corner of my elbow. Along with her, I was out in minutes.

-next morning-

I woke up and had to force myself out of bed. It was pouring outside. The rain was hitting my widow loudly and the clap of thunder sounded in the distance. I propped myself up on my elbows and glanced around the room. I walked out of the room and peeked into Del's bedroom. Empty. A confused me walked into the living room and peered around the corner. Empty again. I shrugged and walked into the kitchen grabbing the coffee machine and making myself a cup for the day. I searched through the drawers looking for my Marlboro. After finding it, I held the lighter to my cigarette and took a deep puff.

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