Part Twenty-Nine

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Elijah stood beside Becs's coffin, nervous with anticipation. The witch beside him he had known for years. She had her hands hovering above the coffin lid as she chanted her spells. "It is done," She said as he eyes opened and her hands dropped to her side.

Elijah frowned, the coffin was still silent. If Becs was in there, would she not still be fighting to get out? "Are you sure? Shouldn't we be able to hear her now?"

"When the witch placed the spells on the coffin she also placed a spell on Becs. The more that Becs fought to get out, the weaker she got... I don't know how much of a fighter your fiancée was, but by the silence of this coffin I'd say she fought pretty damn hard and you might not want to see what's inside here now," The witch sighed sadly, looking over at Elijah.

She liked him, he was the good and honourable Original, which is why she trusted him. He was the only vampire she would ever help, and that was because he had earned it after he saved her daughter's life from a rabid vampire who had slaughtered almost the whole town before showing up at their door.

Her mother had tried fighting him off with magic, but that ended badly as he ripped her heart out, she then tried to hide her daughter before he could find her but before she knew what was happening, his teeth were piercing her neck, draining her until she was almost dead. The vampire wanted her watch him kill her daughter, as she had been forced to watch her mother die earlier. Elijah turned up in time to stop the vampire from tearing into the crying girls throat, ripping his heart out with his bare hand before feeding her his blood to heal her. He didn't need to save her and her daughter, but he did and for that she owed and trusted him.

"Can you...?" He whispered, looking only at the coffin. She nodded and slowly lifted the lid.

Inside Becs lay looking almost as dead as she did when she was put in there. Her skin had a horrible grey tint to it, her lips cracked and eyes closed. On the lid of the coffin were scratch marks, and as Elijah's eyes travelled over her body he noticed dried blood on her broken nails. He felt sick looking at her, thinking of what she had been through. "She needs blood," The witch said, before leaving the room.

Elijah gently picked up Becs's hand in his own, bringing it to his lips. He gently kissed her cold hands, "It's going to be alright now, I'm here."

"Doesn't look very appetising, but he'll have to do," The witch shrugged and pushed a blank looking boy towards the coffin.

"Thank you, Tabitha, what you've done for me..." Elijah started to try and thank her but words failed him. She had done so much for him, it was almost impossible to express his gratitude.

"Don't mention it, Elijah, you saved the thing that's most precious to me in this entire world, it's only fair that I do the same for you," Tabitha smiled and nodded at the Original before making her exit.

"Is she done?" Damon asked, walking into his bedroom.

"Yes, it seems your little witch friend placed another spell on the coffin, causing complications," Elijah sighed as Damon regarded the boy in front of them that continued to stand beside the coffin in a daze.

"What now?" Damon sighed irritably, but stopped in shock as he took in Becs's appearance. "I thought you said she wasn't..."

"She's not dead, Damon. The more she fought to get out of the coffin, the weaker she got," Elijah explained, "She should be fine after she's fed."

"Bonnie has a lot of explaining to do," Damon growled angrily. He grabbed the boys arm and bit into it, letting the blood flow out before placing it against Becs's lips.

Elijah and Damon watched as the colour flowed back into Becs's body. Her eyes opened, revealing her irises to be bright red as she grabbed the boys arm tightly, draining him of his blood hungrily.

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