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May Maple held the sobbing boy close in her arms. "It's going to be okay Max. I promise. No one will ever hurt Mom and Dad again. They're safe. And no one will ever hurt you. I promise. I promise Max."

Nine-year old Max's shattered eyes stared tearfully at May. "Never May? Ever?" he whispered quietly, his eyes welling up with tears as he ran his hand over the two stones.

"Never," May said fiercely, hugging him tightly. "I swear to Arceus, and whatever God that's up there. You will never be hurt again, Max. I swear."

"Okay," Max whispered, prying his sister's fingers off and sullenly walking towards the car. "Okay," May heard him say, almost a reassurance to himself.

Yes. May thought to herself, No one would ever hurt my baby brother again. Even if I have to hunt down the murder. Or abandon coordinating, and join the EIA to protect him. Yes. I will become an agent. The best agent. And protect Max.

May's phone buzzed in her pocket as she stood up, and brushed off her pants. She fished for the metal contraption, and when her fingers gripped it, she almost crushed it between her fingers, needing something, to take her sadness and anger out on.

"Hey," May said into the phone, her fingers clacking against the rough metal.

"Hey!" a louder, more girly voice rang throughout the phone. "May. How're you holding up? Because it's gotta be hard being strong for yourself, and Max." Dawn brought voice to a quieter tone, her voice so very sad.

" is," May replied, her voice hard, yet delicate, as if the slightest breeze, would break her facade. "Alright. So tell me. How are you?" Dawn asked, prying a bit.

May walked briskly towards the car, where Max was waiting for her, and the driver who had taken them to the graveyard. "Well...I'm not so great, but I'll be better. That's what happens when your parents die gruesomely for you, right? Anyways, Max is so sad, and so broken. So I'm going to quit coordinating. I'm going to join the EIA."

"Wait! The newly formed group? With Cynthia, Aaron, Bertha, Lucian, and Flint?" Dawn gasped, surprise evident in her voice.

"Yeah, that's the one. They're the boss of the Sinnoan Federal Agency, and all the agencies of the different regions, Pokemon Rangers, and all of that," May listed rapidly, nodding.

"If you get in, call me. I want to join. I'm your friend, and I'll stand by you," Dawn's voice was determined, "I'd call Misty, her cousin and PokeModel Marina, Leaf probably, Serena...maybe Zoey, but she loves coordinating too much. We're all your friends May. Marina and Misty have always been there for you at the formal gatherings...and so have I. Leaf has even tagged along sometimes. She misses you. Leaf thinks you are God, or Arceus. Like, she thinks you're amazing. Serena, she loves you, you know? Like an little sister. She'd do almost anything. And you even need to ask?" Dawn asked.

"Thanks..." May choked up, her eyes watering. "Thanks Dawn," she whispered as she opened the car door and slipped inside next to Max.

"Petalburg Gym please," May dropped the phone to her chin as she spoke to the driver, muffling the sentence from Dawn. As soon as the taxi driver pulled into the afternoon traffic, May placed the phone properly, and continued talking.

"You know this is all...somebody's doing. And I'm going to make them pay," May said into the phone, her eyebrows scrunched up in anger.

"May," Dawn warned, her voice sharp and chiding. "Revenge is not healthy May. If you want to join the EIA, I support that decision, but not out of revenge, okay? May? Can you let it go?"

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