Chapter 15

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"No! This can't be," Lucian said loudly, as he pulled up page after page of research on the mutts. The virus changed their cells to accommodate the cells of host, changing and mutilating until the host was no longer the actual host.

They had injected their specimen, otherwise known as wild Pokemon they captured, and they simply mutated and changed into the mutts they had fought.

"Damn," Flint said, his mouth hanging open.

"Damn is right." Bertha glared at the screen. "How dare they do this?! It's against the law!"

"That's all you care about?" Cynthia asked, horror in her voice. "That means that anyone who gets bit by them, becomes a mutt! Mew! Zelo is a genius! But an evil genius. Mew, he has to know what type of danger he's putting the world in. If he doesn't have a cure, this could be the end. We cannot keep the virus at bay."

"You don't say," Aaron cut in, swinging his legs. All four of them turned to stare at the green-haired man. "I mean, it's not like we have exactly been careful."

"When'd you show up?" Cynthia questioned.

"Ah, see, after I got bit, I already looked into it. I know what's happening to me," Aaron shrugged. "And I decided to keep it to myself, because who knows how you guys are going to handle it, yeah? Of course the virus is slowly mutilating all the cells inside me, but it's a slow process so I have around a month before my mind is overtaken by the Pokemon instincts built inside this virus."

"But you could be in pain! And a security risk! We don't know what'll happen!" Flint said, throwing his hands up in the air. "We're not sure. We just have the research Team Solaceon has made, but we all know that they're pretty useless. The lead researcher is a woman called Dr. Arang. Dunno where she's from, but she's worked with Magma, Rocket, the works. She's almost had success multiple times. Most of the time, it wasn't even her fault for failure."

"Point proven," Aaron muttered as he glared at Flint. But Aaron would never glare. Things were already changing. "I'm just saying, we need to get to work, and you guys need me. You need me as a specimen, and as whatever you guys plan on doing."

"I feel the difference, you might as well put me in a lab and study me," Aaron said casually, hopping off the table with grace. "Come on guys. You know I'm your best shot. And you guys should check everyone to make sure no one else was bitten."

"That's true," Lucian agreed. "I'll call Dr. Hamilton right now."

"Oh Arceus," Cynthia groaned, rubbing her forehead. She stared at Aaron with half shock, half sadness. "Why does this mission keep getting worse and worse?"

"Do none of you realize that the Team's Pokemon are now a health hazard? I guarantee that they've gotten the virus too. I mean, the mutts used powerful physical moves. It's not like they could've dodged them easily. So obviously, we need to check them," Flint pointed out.

"Oh Mew, please I'm ready to jump of a cliff," Bertha said cheerfully, walking out the door. "I think I'll go get Dr. Hamilton for yet another job, yeah?"

"I'm sure she'll have fun," Lucian muttered, turning back to the screen to pull up all the agents in the building. "Here you go. I'm retiring for the day. Cynthia, I'm sure you can watch Aaron. Flint, we've been over this, I'm sure you'll manage the screens fine. Bye."

"Lucian! You can't just leave," Cynthia complained, rubbing weariness out of her eyes.

"Yes I can! I'm taking my week off now!" Lucian's voice was muffled and echoey, making Aaron smirk unnaturally.

"I guess he's out of here. So, who wants to take first shift in watching me?" Aaron leaned back and stared at ceiling.

Bertha glanced at him before walking out the door purposely. Flint quickly followed.

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