Chapter 3

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"Your parents will be there. And so will Team Solaceon," Aaron finished, his stare serious.

There was deafeaning silence for a couple seconds, before the boys erupted.

"NOOOOO! I don't want my mom and my father there!" Ash pouted, twisting his cap freakishly, muttering.

"Hey, you think I want your mother, your dad, and my grandfather in the same room?" Gary countered. "You know how annoyed my grandfather gets at your dad, because his son died? So now with the whole descendant annoys the crap out of him! Plus, your dad married into the family. It's so complicated."

"Or my papa," Calem said quietly, wincing at the though. He subconsciously looked towards Serena, but quickly caught himself and looked away. Paul was the only one to notice, but he didn't say anything about it. "He thinks that toutes choses have to go his way. At least my older sœur, Charlotte will be there," Calem accepted.

Paul growled angrily, and kicked at a nearby sand bag. "Reggie will be here. He's so annoying. And...Peter. Won't he?" he snarled, glaring at Aaron.

"Yeah," Aaron answered apologetically. "Peter Shinji will be there. But...Kaylyn Shinji will be too!" he offered quickly.

Aaron turned to look at Drew. "So will Mr. Christian Hayden, Mrs. Jennifer Anderson and little Rose Hayden as well."

Drew looked elated that his little sister was coming. But shock washed over him as he realized a new fact. "Wait...but you said Team Solaceon will be there..." he whispered with sudden horror.

"Yes," Aaron nodded, "That's why this mission is the most important. Because your families could die, if you fail." He leaned in close.

"This is why you're an agent. Prove to us that you can do it."

He backed up with a disturbed look in his eyes. "Hmm, I'm starting to sound like Cynthia. Just to let you guys know, I argued with Cynthia for days about this. I wanted to send just backup, and S...never mind, but Cynthia insisted on sending you guys as well."

Team Eevee shared looks, but shrugged in agreement. Except Drew. Drew was off in his own world.

Drew's glassy eyes stared back, as his lower lip trembled. Leaf, who was standing next to him, poked at him. "Hey! Grass-head! Cabbage-head! DREW! WAKE UP!"

Drew started, as the rest of Team Eevee stared back at him curiously, wondering what was wrong with him.

When Aaron started talking again, everyone turned around and listened to Aaron.

Only May still stared at Drew curiously. As much as the two disliked each other, May had to admit, he was handsome, and she had a crush on him when she first met him, but Drew had been such a pervert, and an annoying ass, that May immediately 'changed' her mind.


"Ahh!" May screamed, her Glaceon's big, blue eyes were panicked, as if she didn't know what to do. She windmilled her arms, trying desperately not to fall. Why did she have to be so clumsy?

"Glaceon! Glace, glace!"

A pair of warm, strong, gentle arms wrapped around her and lifted her upright.

"Whoa there," a soft, gentle voice said close to May, and the arms pulled tighter around her.

"Hmm? Oh! Thank you! You're so kin-" Thirteen-year old May stopped short as she turned to stare into fourteen-year old Drew's green, dragon-like eyes. "Oh," she muttered in a small voice, backing away.

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