Chapter 17

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"I'll take Hoenn." Drew's offer shocked quite a few people.

"We're actually doing this," Marina groaned softly, mumbling under her breath.

"Are you sure?" Cynthia asked slowly. "That's your home region."

"Me too," May added. "It's our home region. Of course we're going."

"So are we just going to do native regions? Who'll take Unova?" Dawn asked, hands flat on the table.

"We can," Cynthia spoke up. "We should get in on this too."

"You do realize that this is extremely serious, right?" Aaron added casually, swinging his legs like a child again.

"Stop it," Cynthia snapped, slapping his leg.

"What?" Aaron said innocently.

"Dude, what happened to you?" Gary asked bluntly, "I know you have..."

"The infection?" Aaron offered, grinning a little.

"Yeah, that," Gary nodded slowly. Leaf rubbed circles on the back of his hand, giving Aaron a quiet, understanding look. Gary gave her a grateful smile and turned to Aaron. "Sorry, it's just...we're all worried. and we all..." Gary looked quiet. "Need you around as you, Aaron. All of us do. We've been ignoring the fact that you got bit, mostly, but I thought we should talk about it, right?"

"Nah, I knew what I was getting into, so I've accepted it. You guys might have to accept it too. But I'll be at your side till the end." Aaron said, his face was dead serious, no longer the strange, playful attitude. "I love you all, very much. I just thought that maybe you guys didn't want to admit that I've been...'infected'. Unless Zelo can make a cure, we can steal it, and then completely stop them...let's just all admit it. I am probably never going to be exactly like I was."

Dawn mumbled something under her breath at the truth, and hid her face into Bertha's shoulder, and clutched Misty's hand tighter.

"I know sometimes I'm super protective of you guys, and you guys are all my babies, but if we are being perfectly honest, I'm in danger of turning into an feral, wild beast, which is NOT safe for you guys to be near me, and I've read some interesting brain development as the...condition wears on. If I do anything that is dangerous to anyone in the group, you are to put me down. Are we clear?"

The kids all hesitated before nodding reluctantly. "Okay."

"Alright, as long as we are all clear," Cynthia said, her voice hard and devoid of emotion. Her leader voice. "Let's go. Flights are already ready."

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Flint cautioned, "Once the word gets out, the word is out. And you know how the world be in panic. Zelo will know in an instant, with his network of spies and lies, and it's a huge risk. Basically, we're opening ourselves up to attacks. You know this, don't you? Plus, if the regions agree and we all send our armies to Unova, the other regions will be vulnerable. The mass migration might also cause complications."

Cynthia gave him a sad smile. "I know. But it's a risk we have to take. Because...if we don't, worse things will happen, that I simply won't allow to happen. You do understand that, right Flint? Especially after you and Lucien took the break? Even you Bertha. You know that this could change everything."

"Are you ready to face Lance again?" Misty asked Ash in low tones. Ash's eyes were big and sad, but he nodded furiously, hair flying up and down. Misty reached over and smoothed his cowlick and wrapped an arm around his neck in a comforting way.

"Everything will be okay," Gary said softly, tugging Leaf closer to him. "Arceus won't allow anything bad to happen, right?"

"We've had world wars before, you know?" Leaf supplied, grinning at Gary as he shot her a dirty look. "Hey, just stating the facts."

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