Chapter 6

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"No. You killed me. I'm not coming back."

Dawn reached helplessly for May's hand as her form retreated, shooting her a death glare.

"No..." Dawn whispered, tearing up. "No. May! Stop! You can't go! No please! You have to stay! NO!"

May shot one last sneer behind her shoulder, eyes angry. "You can't stop me."

"No!" Dawn yelled, begging her unmoving legs to go after her.

"No!" Dawn gasped, jerking awake. She breathed deeply for a few seconds. Deep, gasping breaths.

The faint glow of the alarm clock caught her eye. Dawn squinted her swollen eyes at the clock. What did it say?


Four hours of sleep.

Dawn shifted, draping her arm over Leaf. Her eyes flickered shut, and she tried to calm her breathing, bringing it down to subdued sleeping pace.

But somehow, her back still was arched uncomfortably. So she rolled over, twisting to level out her torso. But then Serena's arm dug into her side too much, and so she moved again.

She tossed and turned. But she just couldn't fall back asleep. Dawn could hear the other Sisters sleeping, their tell-tale sounds and positions giving away their identities in the dim nightlight glow.

Misty was sniffling in her sleep, breathing deeply through her nose. Marina had her arms out, as if shoving the other girls away. Leaf and Serena surrounded Dawn on one side, and on the other, she was free to get off the bed.

Dawn rubbed at her eyes. Her hands came away slightly sticky from the tears from last night.

She sighed, and got up to the bathroom, flicking on the blinding lights.

Her appearance stared back at her.

Black circles under her eyes, messy hair, rumpled PJ's...she looked like a mess. Not even counting how sore she was. She coughed for a second, the intensity from last night rushing back. Then she sighed again, before turning on the tap.

The sound of rushing water filled the small bathroom, and curls of steam wafted out of the sink. Dawn let her forefinger finger dip under the faucet before pulling out and making a face.

"Ouch! This is way too hot!"

She blew cool air onto her swollen finger, muttering under her breath. She turned the handle, cool, rushing water entering the warm, gathering pool with a whoosh, letting off even more steam.

She dipped her finger in again, and sighed in relief when she was met with refreshing coolness. She cupped her hands, and splashed her hot face, washing away tear stains and any other trace of last night.

Dawn left her hair down before getting her big, woolly socks and putting them on, deciding to take a trip to the kitchen.

The Base was a whole different world at night. All the lights were off, except for a strategically placed few, and the absolute silence was mesmerizing.

With each soft footstep, it sounded like a giant was romping through the forest. Dawn cringed as she moved through the Base, down the stairs and into the kitchen that Truman usually dominated, but was deserted.

She stumbled around until she found the light switch, fumbling to light the way. They flickered and illuminated the silver and white kitchen. Dawn found the cupboard with the glasses, and poured herself a glass of water with some ice cubes and a lemon.

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