Chapter 4

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"Wow..." Marina said breathlessly, still enamored by the bright, practically glowing hall. "Wow, is right," Jimmy agreed, breathing in the strong scent of roses.

"Really Drew? Your dad owns...this place?" Dawn gaped in awe, spinning around like a five-year old on her first day of school.

"Andrew!" Mr. Hayden called out, black circles surrounding his purple eyes, and he looked like he was running on pure caffeine. "You guys made it."

Drew stiffened at his father's voice, and his jade green eyes, turned cold and empty.

May gave him a concerned nudge, and tapped his shoulder. "Drew?"

"Nothing," he muttered tightly, clenching his fists. His mouth was pulled in a line, expression hard.

The Eevee Sisters shared looks. Why was Drew so mad? And why wouldn't they have made it?

Only the boys knew the reason Drew hated Mr. Hayden, and they understood, because they suffered from similar situations.


Gary's father died years ago, and his mother had abandoned him, leaving him with his grandfather, who was a curious, wise old man. He was rich though, through his research and different breakthroughs. His daughter, was Delia Oak, who later married Daniel Ketchum.

Gary resented his mother, and thought of her as a coward, but loved his aunt and grandfather. He disliked his uncle, and had a normal, brother-type relationship with Ash. Though, when he met the rest of the to-be Eevee Brothers, they all clicked, as disorganized and scattered they were.


Ash's parents, Daniel and Delia Ketchum, were the only heirs to the fortune from Professor Oak, Gary's grandfather. Daniel Ketchum though, was already extremely rich, and had been a nice, gentle, kind gentleman when Delia and Daniel first met. But once he inherited his parents' companies, he became a workaholic, never stopping in for dinner, staying late hours and waking up early...the list went on. So Ash and Delia's relationships with Mr. Ketchum, slowly deteriorated. He couldn't even find time for his son's golden birthday. What father does that?

So Ash, most of the time, simply pretended that his dad didn't exist. Daniel Ketchum made it pretty easy too, as he was nearly never at home anyways.


Jimmy...well, his family was complicated. His dad had a brain hemorrhage at age thirty two, when Jimmy was only seven years old, and Charlie, his older brother, only nine. He was hospitalized, and though the Kentas were extremely rich, and had nearly the whole medical world at their disposal, things went wrong, and at the ripe age of thirty three, Mr. Kenta, had lost his sense of hearing, smell, had slurred speech, poor eyesight, slow movements, and was practically paralyzed from the waist down. The doctors said he would never walk again.

Of course, his family stood by his side. His wife took over the few large companies that the family owned, and became the CEO, and owner, of all three. But Mrs. Annick Kenta, was an extraordinary woman. The Kalosian woman managed her job, her duty as a mother, and wife, her family needs, and her social life as well. She found time and love for both of her sons, and loved them with all her heart.

She never saw her husband as a liability, though many times Thomas had told Annick, to just let him stay at a senior daycare or something, or a handicapped daycare. Something. But she refused. She created programs, invited doctors to their home...she did everything in her power, to make her husband as comfortable as he could be.

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