Chapter 16

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"Come on! Quick, go get Cynthia," Paul said breathlessly as he pointed towards the control doors, "Make sure to tell her to that it's urgent. I've got to go get the others. Quick!"

"Yeah, yeah we know," Dawn grumbled, limping as fast as she could.

"Right genius, well, hurry up then will you?" Gary snapped as he clutched his dark hair with frustration. "How did they escape out attention?"

Dawn shot him a dirty look, but started to move faster nonetheless.

"We let out guard down." Calem picked up his pace, marching ahead of Dawn as Paul disappeared through the doorway. Leaf sprinted towards the tech room, and Gary wordlessly followed her.

"Fucking mutts,"Gary swore lowly as he pushed the door open. "Get Cynthia quick will you? I know she still has agents on post, and we don't know how safe they are."

Calem nodded in agreement as the two boys ran off in opposite directions, the girls following.

"Oh no, fuck you Lucian." Leaf stood in the doorway, staring at the obviously empty room. She ran forwards and slid into the chair as her fingers darted over the master control, searching the city with all of the security cameras they had. She started to pin all of the disposed EIA agents hurriedly.

"Darling don't swear," Gary drawled with amusement, glaring at the empty room. "I know Lucien can be...problematic, but I thought Flint takes over tech when Lucian's on 'break'?"

"Yeah, I did too," Leaf grumbled, rolling her eyes back in exasperation.

The large screen changed tabs and cameras so fast, Gary could barely keep up. Leaf's hands were a blur on the monitors, mouse, and keyboard.

"Where the fuck are they!" Leaf slammed her hands down, hard. "Dammit!"

When she located most of the posts, she sighed in relief and grabbed a comms unit. "Back to base everyone, there was been...a complication. Avoid every person. Walk back, do not take a cab, be on guard. Watch children, teenagers, anybody could be dangerous. Hurry back."

She pulled up comms with the other regions. Solidad popped up on the screen her head cocked nervously. "Mutts, changelings, sending you the info, you say...yes?"

Solidad's head bobbed up and down quickly on the screen as her mouth started to move. "We think Zelo had tracked the few agents we have spread out in LaRousse. Yes. We have...sixty about, spread over Hoenn."

"So how should we do this, amass? To keep everyone safe? Or just pretend like nothing is wrong and continue on? I mean, I think Zelo already knows the Sinnoh base, and he bombed the Hoenn base, so I'd bet that he keeps tabs on the regional bases. Dawn, Calem, and Serena went to get Cynthia, we need to have an emergency meeting, I mean seriously, this is getting out of control. He seems to be everywhere, and that's really...well quite dangerous. Zelo knows what he's doing."

"I know, I mean, trust me, we're right in the thick of things here in Hoenn. Zebulon's base is legitimately in Hoenn, yet we have no idea where it is. Rumor is, that he has thousands of agents and mutts. An army of thousands are fighting us. We don't know how willing they are, but you know how it is with the virus," Solidad agreed.

"Just gather everybody Sol, we'll figure things out from there. Can you warn Nate? The Kanto Base already knows, so after Nate knows Johto should be good. Kalos! Someone's gotta warn Henry! Then we'll reign everything in, I'm sure Cynthia will be here at the helm soon. Okay?"

Solidad nodded, her fingers tapping on her phone's screen. "Got it covered Leaf. Alright, Sol, out."

The screen flickered, and the tab closed itself, before Leaf sighed with an overload of emotions.

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