Chapter 13

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"I guess I could say I miss you a little. A little too much, a little too often, and a little more each day."

May whispered into Dawn's ear, holding back her frustration, and her tears.

"They're always right here, May," Dawn comforted, pointing right at her heart.

May smiled sadly. "Yeah, I know. But it still hurts."

"They loved you dearly May. They gave everything up for you," Dawn said.

"Yeah," May muttered wistfully, turning back to Drew, who was still ranting about the rest of the Team.

"What!? Are you kidding me? I swear, you guys are all a bunch of idiots," May complained, leaning her head on Dawn's shoulder lightly.

Dawn winced slightly at the noise, closing her eyes from the bright lights. She awkwardly patted May's head as she tried to block out the sharp pain in her head. Concussions were quite annoying.

"Everybody makes mistakes Drew, it's their fault..." Serena said quietly, turning to face the green-haired trainer, hand still tightly clasped in Calem's.

"But this time," Drew hissed, "They took it too far."

"They did," Calem agreed, tightening his grip and smoothing Serena's hair back absentmindedly.

"I think...that if it wasn't Serena and May, you two wouldn't have been so mad and eager," Dawn mused, cringing at her voice and frantically rubbing her head to rid herself of the pain.

"What are you saying?" Drew demanded aggressively. "That we don't care about the other members?"

"Stop it, calm down Drew," Leaf scolded, shoving him back. "I think you just meant that they're...more attached to May and Serena, right?"

Dawn nodded in agreement, swaying on the bed with May. May rubbed soothing circles on her back, worriedly looking her friend.

"Hmph," Drew huffed, turning and sitting down. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Well, you do seem to care more about May than any of the other Sisters, Drew. And Calem, Serena's like friend. Of course your more attached to her. See, Ash is more attached to Misty and Marina, but more so Misty. Jimmy and Marina were best friends growing up, like you Calem, and Paul...well, he's kinda a loner. He cares, but not like you guys do. And Gary...obviously is more attached to me," Leaf explained, blushing at the last part.

"You coupled all of us," May muttered, "Except...Dawn would go with Paul then, I guess."

Leaf nodded indifferently, though secretly, she was wondering how they would react, "Yeah, basically."

Calem looked like someone had just shot him with a taser, and looked down-right petrified. He almost dropped Serena's hand, but she held tight and refused to let go, even when he gave her a panicked look.


"Yeah, that's pretty much it," Leaf said again, leaning against the wall casually. "Didn't you hear the first two times I answered?"

Drew on the other hand...looked ready for murder. "How dare you say that! May? I would never-!"

"Are you saying I'm not worthy of your attention?" May asked angrily, but her eyes were dejected, as if Drew had just confirmed something that she had been thinking about. "If I was not injured, I'd be out of here in a flash. I would never stay longer in your repulsive presence. Hayden."

"Wha- No..." Drew stopped short. He hesitated to answer May's question. "No...I don't think that you're not worthy it's just..."

"Just what?" Dawn said tiredly. "You have no excuse for what you just said. Don't be rude. Just apologize and be done with it."

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