Chapter 8

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"Get outta there," Leaf hissed, her voice crackling with static.

"We know," Calem hissed back.

"We'll have to go very fast. How fast can you hack, Psychique?" Dawn asked nervously, drilling her fingers impatiently along the metal seams.

"Very," Calem answered grimly, and smirked. They set off again at a fast pace, as soon as the voices had quieted some.

The wind whistled past Misty as she leaped, picking out the most secure spots in the dim light. Ash was a stumbling mess beside her.

"Okay. I'm going to take Électrique back, come with me Sombre?" Dawn finally said, stopping and gently taking Ash from Misty. Misty nearly sighed in relief.

Gary quickly agreed, very flexible on this mission.

Calem nodded in agreement. "Take him. He's nothing but a burden right now. Sorry Électrique. Come on Water."

Ash awkwardly patted Calem's shoulder, "No hard feelings, right? Come on Fire."

And so the pair was off again, leaving their teammates behind to make it back to Leaf and the EIA helicopter that was supposed to take them out of there.

"Hey! Don't turn up ahead. And once you enter the new tunnel, it's very low. You'll have to remain crouched and ducked. Don't punch through the weak metal now," Leaf warned, obviously paying attention.

The voices from before faded away, and Calem mumbled a yes in agreement before moving forward, Misty close behind.

Just like Leaf said, they soon got to the crossroad. The two of them ducked and slid on their knees and stomachs, inching closer and closer to the faint glowing light up ahead.

Voices echoed up from the vent, and the two of them shared a look.

"Boss wants us to do a hallway sweep, they're reporting weird sounds or somethin'," a gruff voice said, the sound of thick flesh hitting plastic.

"Now?" Misty asked lightly, glancing down towards the vent.

Calem nodded, silently sliding the cover off, ready to slip through the thin tunnel.

"I'll take the vent. You have the the knockout darts with the venom?" Calem asked, slipping the same dagger he used to unlatch the vent before, digging under the layer of dust and other garbage.

"Mmhm," Misty nodded, "You open the vent. Hold my feet. I'll take them out."

"Okay, so you take them out, then check and guard, I hack?" Calem asked for verification.

"Really? You think I can hack?" Misty retorted dryly.

Calem nodded with a serious expression. "Yep, you can." Then his calm appearance switched into a joking one, "But I'm way better."

Misty snorted out a laugh before ducking and diving towards the rectangular shaped light.

Calem hastily grabbed her boots, muttering about Misty's sudden tendencies.

Misty resisted the urge to sneeze and cough out all the dust she had ingested, as lowered herself into the room, hands full of knockout darts. These darts were specially made by Lucian and Bertha that gave the victims short term memory loss, so that when they came to, all they would remember is what they were originally doing.

"I will not cough, or sneeze," Misty said softly to herself firmly as she felt the familiar tickle of dust inside her nose.

"Okay, so there was been some disturbances throughout the facility, all say it's, like, inside the walls, I thi-" the blue-haired man was saying. But he was cut off. Courtesy of Misty.

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