Chapter 10

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"Do you hear something wrong?" Leaf asked, pausing to listen.

"No, not really," Gary snorted, laughing at Leaf's focused expression.

Leaf's face hardened as she swatted at Gary. "No, I'm serious. Why does it sound like...LaRousse Hall?"

Gary stiffened at the mention of the bloody night. He started focusing and listened harder. Indeed there were honks and yells and faint sounds of gunshots.

Leaf and Gary shared shocked looks before tearing through the thickening crowd.

Identical expressions of disbelief came over them when they saw the rubble in front of the Base, disguised as just another business building. The entire front wall was half-collapsed, and the shattered glass was covering the whole road.

"Arceus," Leaf winced, rubbing at her temples. "My computers..."

Gary shot her a disbelieving look, and snorted bitterly before running towards the crushed building. "Your computer. And I thought I was the arrogant one. What about our friends?"

"Oh, I care about them as well!" Leaf called, racing after him. "At least you finally admit that you're the arrogant one!"

"Just shut up already!" Gary yelled, no playfulness at all. "I'm scared as shit about our friends, okay? I'm arrogant, whatever! What if they all died Leaf? What do you want us to do then, huh?"

Leaf stopped and took a deep breath, reassessing the situation, before starting forward again, determined to do things right, instead of letting things fall apart. And not let the playfulness and the euphoria of what she had admitted, overshadow the fear for her friends, that was hiding inside.

When Leaf stepped through the cracked door, she almost crumpled in relief.

Everyone was safe. But not unharmed.

All of Team Eevee, and all the staff of the EIA currently living in the Base was safe and sound. Including the visitors. Though many had cut and bruises.

May was breathing harshly while leaning heavily on Drew while Dawn fussed. Marina was nursing a bump on her head and a black eye, while Jimmy forlornly apologized for accidentally hitting her with a baseball bat. Ash was rubbing at his forearm, where his past injuries were causing him pain. Misty was scolding him, and Leaf caught something along the lines of 'dumb typical Ash'. Max, Bonnie, and Clemont were herded into a corner by Serena, hushing the blond girl who was full of questions.

Cynthia had a large cut on her forehead, and her gun was cocked at the pair, but she put the pistol down as soon as she realized that it was Leaf and Gary. Lucian's hands were full of the most important programs and data, while Bertha and Flint were toting bags full of expensive equipment.

"Oh my Arceus, Leaf, I was so worried when I couldn't find you," Cynthia gasped, crushing her.

Gary stared at her petulantly. "What about me..."

"Oh, Lucian saw you go out through the cameras. So we weren't worried," Cynthia waved him off.

"What happened?" Leaf asked awkwardly. "I mean, when we were gone."

Cynthia smiled grimly, "Looks like they found out that someone had raided their facility. And Zelo wasn't very happy. He even sent us a video. Well, more like broadcasted it on Poketube, but that doesn't matter. He couldn't find anything wrong with his system, because Calem did too well. But he knew that there was something tampered with, and if the people who know what is tampered with is dead, of course nothing can go wrong then," Cynthia explained wryly.

"So. They knew obviously it was some government attack. I heard from the others. They were attacked at similar times. Solidad and Harley were attacked at the Hoenn Branch of Investigation. They were visiting. Iris and Cilan were attacked over at the EIA base in Unova. Kenny, Lucas, Barry, Brendan, and Wallace have reported no attacks yet but we were definitely hit first," Lucian sighed.

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