Chapter 14

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"I can't believe this. It's so stupid," May groaned, knocking her head into Dawn's shoulder. "I wish they would all stop apologizing, its not like they did anything wrong. It was protocol."

"Exactly! Why is Drew and Calem being just hissy...babies about this?" Serena complained, staring at the bright lights. "We get it! It's not like I'm complaining! This is so dumb! They're using us as a reason to be mad, but we're not even mad at them."

"Right, Serena gets it!" May said, throwing her hands up in the air. "And the rest of them suck."

"Hey!" Dawn protested.

"Okay fine, you're okay," May grinned.

"Ugha..." Paul moaned.

"Is he going to be okay?" Serena asked yet again. "I mean...I think he's stable. But Dr. Hamilton left for a couple minutes..."

"Yeah, he's good," Cynthia breathed, walking in almost awkwardly. "Just past her on the way here."

She waited for the barrage of anger and insults. But...nothing.

"Hey Cynthia," Dawn said, moaning again in pain. "Why does the room have to swim every time I sit up?"

"Swim? Girl, the room doesn't even know how to swim," Serena laughed, pointing at the pained Dawn across the room. "At the

"Sure...whatever...helps you sleep at night," Dawn mumbled with her eyes shut tight.

Cynthia stared at them with her mouth open. "Nothing?"

"Nothing what?" May asked cheerfully as the rest of the FLL walked in.

"No anger?" Cynthia asked incredulously.

" Why? You guys were just setting an example for protocol," Serena said with boredom in her voice, twirling her hair. "Can I go on electronics yet? I'm only...physically broken. I mean, Dawn's the only one with vision problems and stuff. And tell the rest of them we're not mad, and tell Calem and Drew to stop it. Ugh."

"Water?" Paul croaked, trying and failing miserably to sit up.

"Oh! Come on Dawn!" May said with excitement, running over(more limping), and grabbing a little plastic cup and filling up it up with water. Dawn eagerly got up and went over to Paul, rapidly asking him questions about how he was feeling.

"How are you doing? That's a bad question. Do you feel sick? Do you want more water? Do you think you can sit up? Why'd you do that? You scared us all! You're so dumb! What would ever make you try to kill yourself? Nobody was mad at you! Not May, not Serena, nobody! Why'd you do it? Who made you think that-"

"Ugh...Dawn just...stop for a minute," Paul groaned before leaning over the bed and puking up more liquor.

Dawn stopped her rant with wide eyes. "Are you okay?"

"Fine..." May said cheerfully, cutting in. Dawn slapped her shoulder playfully before rubbing her temples. Oww, concussions hurt!

"I'm okay," Paul said. "I'm...okay."

"No you're not," May sighed, rolling her eyes with a hint of real anger. "Why in Arceus's sake would you do that? Mew, you scared us all to death. I mean...why would you try and kill yourself Paul? That's a little severe. And worrying."

Paul stiffened and lied back down, not saying anything. "I'm not feeling that well. Later."

"NO! Paul Shinji, you will tell us why you tried to kill yourself right now! Or I'll call Reggie!" Dawn yelled angrily, stomping her foot.

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