Chapter 9

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"OH MY ARCEUS! MAY COME HERE!" Dawn shrieked, reaching over to hug her best friend tightly. Everyone was cramped into the hallway just outside of May's room, watching the others say hello to May.

Leaf smiled a bit, her face twisted in bitterness.

"Hey. Leaf?" Serena asked gently, pulling Leaf towards her.

"Yes?" Leaf sighed, spinning on her heels to stare at Serena. "What?"

She winced her sharp tone, giving Serena an apologetic look.

"Um...I was just wondering where you were last night," Serena said softly, peering up with concern. "Is everything okay?"

"Huh?" Leaf asked.

Okay? Am I okay? The counselor asked me that every single time. Are you okay? But I never answered honestly.

Leaf rubbed absentmindedly at her sleeve covered arms, and Gary caught the motion, coming up with a conclusion. But it couldn't be. Gary was just jumping to conclusions.

As soon as Leaf started thinking about her past, Leaf was overtook by memories.

Thirteen-year old Leaf still struggled, even though she knew it was fruitless. The woman grabbed her tightly, yanking her.

Smack! Smack!

Leaf finally bit through her lip, the warm, metallic-tasting blood filling her mouth.

I will not cry. No. No screaming. No crying. Leaf told herself, chanting it like a mantra, promising herself that it would all end soon.

Pain rocketed into her, and she wanted to groan in pain.

Her bottom was on fire, her torso bruised.

The mean lady gave her stomach one last kick before leaving her to fend for herself against the big mean, boys.

One of them jeered at her before hitting her jaw hard with his fist. Another kicked her in the legs.

Be strong Leaf. Be strong. No crying. Don't cry. Don't cry. Be strong. You're a big kid now. No crying.

But she still felt the oncoming tears, the tickling sensation before the rush came.

And when she finally started crying silently, the teenagers laughed harder, and kicked and punched more.

"Beg us to stop! Beg us," one of the older guy sneered.

No begging Leaf. Don't beg them to stop.

But the pain was too much.

"Please," she heard someone croak.

Wait. That was herself.

"Please stop," she whispered desperately.

The older kids burst into laughter.

"Lovely. She thinks this is all a joke, huh?" one of them scoffed.

As Leaf heard the sounds of belts clinking, she was filled with dread. But she was already so used to it, so she barely lifted her head, groaning at the pain that she got from the motion.

She knew exactly what was coming. This had happened multiple times already. And the worst part was, Leaf couldn't do anything to stop them. She was in too much pain. But then they tried to make her feel good. To make her feel guilty.

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