Chapter 5

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"No!" May couldn't stand and watch her friend bleed out. She flicked on her earpiece. "LEAF! SOLI'S SHOT!"

Leaf's gasp trailed into May's ear. "All right. I'm calling Calem...CALEM! SOLIDAD'S BEEN SHOT! GET ALL WOUNDED OUT! 'SPECIALLY SOLI!" Calem immediately agreed, ordering certain agents to leave the fray, and others to head in to help.

"Iris! Cilan! Over there!"

Though by then, the crowd had thinned considerable, as many agents were knocked out or dead.

May still strained against the surging crowd, arms and legs flying automatically at threats, result from years of tense wariness. "Glaceon! Ice Beam! Blaziken! Blaze Kick! NOW!"

May's Pokemon followed, fighting furiously along side her. "Beautifly! Psychic! Delcatty! Blizzard!"

"Get me to Soli, Drew!" May yelled at the green haired agent, who was directly above her, his pistols twirling and spinning wildly, his fingers a blur as he reloaded his guns again and again, shooting with speed and accuracy, nearly all kill, or crippling shots.

An agent got blown away and covered in ice as her Pokemon looked out, and covered for her.

"May! To your right!" Marina called out, ducking and bending around two more agents, slipping through thin openings, and pressing pressure points and conking people on the head with her own sword. "Little Miss! Perish Song!"

May ducked and rolled through the guy's legs, using Misty's technique, and kicking him where it hurts when she came up. She sliced open his torso, and threw a throwing knife, and it hit a nearby Politoed with a thunk. It twitched, and fell over, dead. She shouted a quick thanks to Marina before making her way through the crowd.

Random enemy agents fell around her, especially those who were threats to her. Some had arrow protruding from the most interesting places, and others had no visible wound, but splattered the ground with blood when they fell. Serena and Drew.

"Masquerain! Silver Wind! Aim to kill!" Drew shouted, his voice angry.

"Fennekin! It's up to you! Overheat!" Serena ordered.

A blast of heat ran past May, and she shouted grateful thanks.

Jimmy grumbled angrily, swinging his broadsword back and forth, warding off enemies. He was wounded on one leg, pretty much incapable of running, or even moving. May immediately darted over, her knives flashing. Three agents fell dead instantaneously, eyes rolling back, and silver knives silently sliding into their flesh. "Thanks May! Get Marina!"

May nodded, talking rapidly into her comms. "Marina! Jimmy's hurt! You guys know how to defend each other better in this type of situation! He's at five o'clock! Ten feet away! I'll cover for now!"

Marina's head twisted over, catching a glimpse of Jimmy, before leaping over and rolling through people.

May darted around Jimmy's weak backside, fighting back to back with him, hands whirling around. She parried away a large club, and attempted to deflect a bullet. It ricocheted, and May's right arm went flying. She recovered quickly though, and punched a man in the arm and managed to stab him in the stomach as well. It wasn't about clean, perfect kills. It was life and death.

Adrenaline was pumping through May. Everything was washed in red, May's eyes only picking out the way to kill. Nothing really mattered otherwise.

Zeroing in on a man about to shoot Leaf, her hand darted out, drawing one of her throwing knives, and held both of her hunting knives in one hand, rearing back and throwing with deadly precision, slicing the man's hand open, causing him to groan and clutch it, temporarily wounded.

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