Chapter 2

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"Thanks Truman! It's delicious!" May said through a mouth full of pancakes as she munched on her breakfast. "I agree. Phenomenal as always!" Dawn agreed, popping an orange slice into her mouth.

"Mm," Paul mumbled, biting into his whole-wheat, 100% plain, bread.

"Thanks May! At least you're nice and polite! Everyone else trashes my food. don't either, Paul. You don't waste much, do you?" Truman laughed, wiping off the metal table in the kitchen.

"Ngh," Paul grunted, obsidian eyes still focused solely on his toast.

Dawn grinned through her mouthful of fruit. "I had a good reason. Gary called me fat, and made a jab at Leaf about how he knew she had a crush on him or something. Leaf denied, and he said something about her being stupid and him being wanted by lots of fans, and she screamed at him, and he said that no one would want Leaf, so I got mad. I punched him in the stomach. That's how it all got started. Ash saw an opportunity to eat, and know," Dawn said.

"I think I should become these agents like you kids are. I'm only twenty seven," Truman pondered, wringing out his towel. "Your lives are so much more interesting."

"It's hard," Paul said emotionlessly, crunching his toast loudly.

"It is!" Dawn agreed, nodding. "But you could do it Truman! Then you could help the Base and stuff when you're bored! And Paul's just grumpy. It's not that hard."

"Nn," Paul grunted, his version of a protest.

May stood up, and wiped her mouth with her hand. "I'm done!" she announced.

"Ice? Glaceon's winning today. You know that right?" Paul challenged with a barren expression, standing up as well, and placing his napkin in the trash.

"Yours, or mine?" May teased.

Dawn quickly shoveled the rest of her fruit salad into her mouth, and placed her stacked dishes in the sink.

"Bye guys!" Truman called out as the threesome left the kitchen. "See ya Truman!" Dawn yelled back.

"Mine," Paul snorted, as if the answer should've been obvious.

"Nope," May said, "Glaceon and I have been working hard. Yours...he's always like...he's going through the motions. Battle with emotion dude!"

"Ha," Paul scoffed, "Ice, you may be 'connected', as you call it, with your Glaceon, but me and my Glaceon, actually do have a great bond, and we know how far to push it. You and Grasshead...when you two battle, it's crazy. Mayhem."

"That's 'cause it's Drew." May grumbled.

"Mew! Paul knows the word crazy!" Dawn fake gasped, smirking. May muttered angrily under her breath, not happy with Paul's response.

"Yeah. It defines you pretty well, Troublesome," Paul glared.

Paul was generally a cold and empty person, but there was a light rivalry between May and Paul. Paul treated May like he treated Reggie. Basically, a slight bit more warmth than normal people. And a larger urge to talk. Paul's nickname for May was Ice, as May had accidentally froze Paul on her first official day at the EIA, where the Eevee Brothers and the Eevee Sisters had met. Dawn had to ask her Flareon to melt him, Jimmy's Flareon helping.

Dawn was also okay to talk with, because even though she was 'Troublesome' as Paul called her, she seemed genuine enough to Paul, and never ceased trying to get everyone to get along, and talk, and just be a normal group. Though she was fiercely protective of her friends, and if an Eevee Brother tried anything on the Sisters, Dawn would not hold back.

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