Chapter 18

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"Stay with me," Gary called, his voice filled with determination as he ripped through another guard's body.

"I'm right here," Leaf affirmed, tugging Misty and Ash along. "Guys, stay together!"

The foursome tried to fight their way out of Saffron City's busy streets. Or rather...bloodied, thrashing streets.

"NO!" Leaf's blood-curdling scream stopped Gary short as he whirled around, desperately trying to find his girlfriend through the mist of blood and the haze of smoke. When he spotted her, he almost screamed himself.

She was cornered in between to walls, three mutts hissing and snarling at her.


She seemed so small then. Just a tiny, young girl, blood splattered and clutching a knife and dagger, facing towering, nasty mounds of muscle, all about to come down on her.

But then she was moving, and zigzagging across the alley, slicing and the darting away, leaving the mutts roaring in pain.

"Gary! ASH AND MISTY!" Leaf shouted, whipping brown locks behind her as she furiously ran, eyes wide with panic. "WHERE ARE THEY?!"

Gary felt adrenaline shoot through him, his hair slicking to his head with blood, and everything felt itchy and dirty. Where are Misty and Ash? Where are Misty and Ash?

He turned in circles, trying to locate the pair. They were just here a second ago! In fact, Leaf wasn't so far away just a few seconds ago.

A Rhyhorn-Milotic-Ninetales mutt leered at him, the Ninetale face slobbering all over him. It blocked out whatever thin rays of sun that permeated through the smoky, disgusting air. It bared it's teeth, growling low in it's throat, and Gary froze up for a second, the close- up view of the enormous mutt rooting him to the spot.

No. You have to move. For Leaf. For Misty and Ash. And the Ninetale opened it's mouth for a Flamethrower. NOW! MOVE.

And suddenly, Gary felt the power to urge his feet to move, throwing himself back as the powerful attack singed his eyebrows off.

He didn't even bother fighting this one. It was enormous, and the sheer size of the mutt would slow it down from following Gary through the narrow streets. It wasn't worth it.

And maybe the reason he ran, was because of the fear that seemed to hit Gary all of sudden. Or maybe it was the primal instinct, telling him to RUN.

Whatever the reason was, Gary ran. Back towards where he had last glimpsed Leaf in the crowd of desperate people, and huge mutts.

He ran and stabbed, and sliced, and twirled and did whatever he could to remain alive. Blood splattered him as he thrust his knife into a mutt's throat, and drew another dagger to replace it. It gurgled and choked on it's own blood before its eyes rolled up and all that was left was white.

At some point, his body just started numbing the ache in his muscles, the stabbing pain from cuts and bruises. At least one of his rib were broken from being slammed into the ground repeatedly, but somehow, he found the ability to draw himself up, and attack again.

"Blastoise! Hydro Pump. Umbreon, Shadow Ball."

Sometime later, he was simply stumbling around, stabbing and killing whatever came his way.

The bland blankness enveloped him, going on autopilot. So when he slammed into a warm, soft body, he nearly sighed at the contact. Human.


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