Chapter 7

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"May!" Serena shrieked, running at top speed towards her room when she heard Dawn's scream for help, not only for Dr. Hamilton.

"Wait for me!" Ash yelped, staggering along as he struggled to get to his crutches.

"She's having a seizure!" Serena cried.

"I know! I HEARD DAWN THE FIRST TIME! SOMEONE CALL PAUL!" Ash screamed back, still struggling with his crutches.

"WHY DON'T YOU!?" Serena yelled, opening the door for Dr. Hamilton before racing in after her!

"FINE!" Ash called, but he only got silence.

"Ugh, annoying people..." Ash pouted childishly, reaching for the phone attached to the wall. He dialed Paul's Blackberry quickly, telling him to tell the others about May's new condition.

Quickly, faster than Ash would have thought, they were there, clamoring and yelling at each other. Cynthia, Aaron, Bertha, Flint, and Lucian were down there as well, driving Ash nuts.

"You know what? I'm just going to sit here, and pretend that nothing is going on Pikachu. I mean...well, you just came out, and I know you hate your Pokeball, but it was necessary. Plus you might get hurt. Ya know?" Ash said to Pikachu, rubbing the base of his ears, and gently brushing his fingers through his fur.

"Pika. Pikachu. Pika pika," Pikachu purred, forgetting for the moment about Ash putting him in his Pokeball.

"Yeah, I know. They make so much racket! Arceus," Ash muttered, flopping back onto the bed.

"Ow!" Ash groaned as he jostled his arm and leg, Pikachu laughing at his ignorance.

"It's not funny! Ow! Ugh," Ash curled up as much as he could with casts, and Pikachu climbed onto his chest, playfully tapping his paws on his chest. "Pikachu!"

"Yeah yeah," Ash grumbled, resuming his brushing. "Mew, I do not want to spend the entire time brushing your fur, Pikachu."

"Will she be alright?" Serena called from the doorway, as Paul shoved his way inside. Dawn looked scared, but a confident look was pasted onto her face, staring at her friend.

Dr. Hamilton was moving quickly, tying May's arms down. May's shifted, making whimpering sounds as she rolled and twisted painfully.

"Okay. I need all of you to get out. Loud noises will hurt her. Paul, Max, Cynthia, and Aaron may stay. The rest...get out."

The said people stayed by the far wall, letting Dr. Hamilton work, furiously trying to help the struggling May.

"Stay still!" Dr. Hamilton muttered, blocking kick to her head, and pining down her right arm. May spasmed and tangled herself into the bindings, and her face was scrunched up with tension.

"Hey Cynthia."

Aaron pulled on her arm, dragging her away from Paul and Max.

"What Aaron?" she snapped, pulling her arm back.

"I just got a call. People...aren't happy with us. Especially Team Solaceon," Aaron said shakily, staring at the floor.

"So? It's not like anything we haven't dealt with," Cynthia answered, turning back to the two boys.

"No! You don't understand! They'll bomb Rustboro City! You know what that means! It's the home to all industrial parts of Hoenn," Aaron countered, pulling her back.

Cynthia's eyes widened. "Shit. That'll crush the market. And Hoenn's market is the root of all the other stock markets. They'll all drop. It'll be bad."

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