Chapter 1

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I have a lot to do today. It's spring break, yes, but I have a job.
I currently work at a local restaurant as a waitress. It's a good and horrible job all at the same time. I make good tips, so that's all that matters.

I got to work and it's NASCAR week. So I decided instead of my normal work attire, I'd switch out my employee shirt for a Chase Elliott Tshirt, because who doesn't love Chase Elliott?
I put on my little half apron and go and grab my pen and paper.
I search around and can't find it.
"Okay who stole my pen and paper?" I ask loudly enough for everyone to hear. I heard snickering off in the corner. "Josh. Pen and paper now!" I say in a stern voice looking him straight in the eye.
I was in no mood to deal with people like him today. I finally snatch my pen and paper from him, and take a deep breath before walking out of the break area.

"Abbi, can you take the table on the far left for me?" my friend Josie asked. "Of course!" I reply to her. She's my best friend. She's the only person here who doesn't make me wanna snap their neck in two. I go over to the table and it's people I recognize. 'Oh great', I thought to myself while walking over there.
"What can I get you guys today?" I ask and fake a smile. I go to Highschool with these people. With it being spring break, I was hoping and praying to God they went down to Florida like the rest of the spring breakers. They're horrible people, they treat everyone like dirt. It's ridiculous.
"I'd like a water" one of the girls says.
"Do you have sparkling water?" one of the "fancy" girls asks
"What do you think this is, New York?" I sass. One of the guys in the group tries not to laugh and she just huffs. I seriously can't stand these people. They've made my life miserable these last 3 years, just because I was younger than them. It's seriously stupid.

After a long shift at work I finally get to go home.
I walk in the door and I smell cheeseburgers, my absolute favorite. I walk in the kitchen and give my Grandpa a hug and ask him if he needs help. And of course he says no, so I walk upstairs to get changed. I smell like food so I'm gonna hop in the shower real quick.

After my shower I put on some black leggings and a mint green Tshirt with black converse high tops. I go downstairs and find my grandpa just finishing up supper. He sets everything on the table and we have a nice meal, just sitting around and talking.

"So how are you doing today?" my grandpa asks with sympathy in his eyes. It's the 12th year anniversary since my parents' death.
"I'm alright grandpa" I lie so I don't upset him.
"How are you doing today" I ask him
"I'm okay, sweetie. I just wanted to make sure you were" he looked at me and put his hand in mine. I fought back tears. I stood up and cleared all the dishes since my Grandpa cooked.
This has been such a hard day.
I go up to the attic, that's where I hang out when I'm sad. My grandpa doesn't know I come up here. I'm the only person who knows. This is where I come to clear my head.
I look over in the corner and I see a box I've never seen before.
I walk over to it and slightly open it, I cried at the sight of what's in the box

what do you think is in the box? 😏

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