Chapter 22

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Almost a year has gone by since me and John Hunter started dating. I wish I could say it's gone smoothly, but it for sure hasn't. Sometimes I wonder if I made the right decision choosing him over Chase. I question myself a lot. John Hunter is sweet and caring. But somethings changed. He's changed. It's probably because we've both matured but it just doesn't feel like it used to. I don't feel like he loves me as much anymore. He doesn't text me as much as he used to. He doesn't call me babe. He just isn't the same as he was. I'm too afraid to ask what's been going on. I don't wanna know. Sometimes I just wanna run away from everything and everyone.

I hear a knock on the door and pulls me out of my thoughts. I open it up to see Chase.
"Hey" I say. Even though I chose JH over him, he's became my absolute best friend.
"Come on in" I say moving over letting Chase in.
He could just look at me and tell something was wrong. I don't know if I should tell him how I feel. Especially since he still has feelings for me.
"What's wrong?" He asks putting his hand on my back
"It's nothing" I say as I sit on the couch
"Abbi, I know you. I know when something is wrong" his brown eyes look at me with sympathy
"I'm fine Chase." I snap back at him
He throw his hands up and drops the subject. I don't want to tell Chase how I feel because I don't want it getting back to John Hunter. I know I should just tell JH how i'm feeling, but it's hard.
Speaking of JH, he walks in and sees me and Chase on the couch together. He just rolls his eyes and goes into the kitchen. Me and Chase both look at each other and just sigh.
I decide to get up and talk to JH.
I walk into the kitchen and find him making a protein shake. He had just came back from biking for 12 miles so I could tell he was tired.
"John Hunter?" I ask as I sit at the breakfast bar
"What?" he snaps back. I take a deep breath and gather my thoughts quickly
"Are you okay?" I ask and he turns around and just gives me a hateful look. His look softens when he looks into my eyes. We haven't really been talking much. It's almost like we haven't even been together. He takes my hand in his and brings it to his chest. He looks at me with a sad face.
"I know I've been really distant lately. I'm really sorry. This season has just really gotten in my head. It's been rough and I've been taking it out on you. That's not right of me. I'm really sorry, Abbi" he says with pain filling his eyes. I could tell he was sincere. Something just  still feels off.
"I know it's been hard on you this year" That was all I could spit out. I'm so upset with him.
"Do you ever think.." He trails off
"Ever think what?" I ask with curiosity filling my voice
"Do you ever think you made the wrong decision choosing me?" He asks not looking me in the eye. I could tell that was a hard question to ask.
"Honestly, lately, yes. You've been so different and distant. It's made me wonder if I would've been better off with Chase. Maybe he wouldn't have been so moody and short with me like you have been. I'm tired of it John Hunter" I say looking at him. I could tell what I said stung. But it's the truth. I could tell he was hurt. But he's been hurting me the last 9 months. We've only had 2 months of a really good relationship. It was the first 2 months. It all went downhill after that. I don't even know why.
John Hunter just looks at me and walks out of the room. I feel bad but he deserved to know what I had been feeling. Will our relationship be over after this? Will he change? Will we break up? I'm just so unsure of everything anymore..

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