Chapter 17

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     John Hunter had to leave after our ice cream date yesterday. I already miss him. I decided to look into some tickets for the next truck race.

"Hey Abbi!' Alex screams as he walks in the door

"Hey Alex" I gave him a smile and went back to concentrating on my computer. I couldn't figure out where to go to buy tickets so I decide to call Chase. After Bristol, he had given me his number. He was such a cool guy, he's definitely one of my favorite people ever.

I hit call on my phone and after a few rings he picks up.

"Hello?" I heard the familiar deep southern accent say

"Hey Chase! it's Abbi" I said with a smile on my face

"oh! hey Abbs! Did ya need somethin?" he asked me

"Actually I did. I was wondering if you could tell me how to get tickets to the truck race this weekend? I can't figure it out" I said slightly embarrassed

"Oh no. You don't need tickets. Just hop on a flight as soon as you can, and I'll pick you up from there. Text me when you land" he said and hung up before I could reply

He did it on purpose. He knew I would tell him no, and he would've been right.

I was able to catch a flight that leaves in 2 hours. I text Chase and tell him when id be arriving in Martinsville

I quickly arrive in Martinsville, and as promised, Chase is there to pick me up.

"Abbi!" Chase yells over the loudness of the airport

I run over and give him a hug, and before I know it, we're on our way to the track.

I saw Chase looking at me out of the corner of my eye. I wanted to slap him and tell him to keep his eyes on the road, but I didn't. I almost liked that he was looking at me. I could see Chase's mouth open like he wants to say something, but he never does.

"So are you here to see John Hunter or.." he prolonged the 'or'

"Yeah I am" I said with a smile plastered on my face

"Oh. I see" he sounded almost disappointed

It was silent the rest of the ride there. I wonder what's up with Chase, he's acting really weird.

We finally get to the track and I immediately go to find John Hunter. Chase didn't even bother to acknowledge that I was leaving.

I go to John Hunter's motor coach and saw John Hunter sitting down.
I decide to go behind him and put my hands over his eyes. I do a fake British accent and say "Guess who?"
It's cliché, I know.

He jumps up from surprise and immediately brings me into a hug.

"What are you doing here?" he asks me

I pull away from the hug

"Oh ya know, just wanted to come see my favorite guy" I said

His eyes lit up and the room filled with 'awww's from his team

"Yeah, yeah. Go back to work guys" John Hunter said, his cheeks turning bright red.

His crew chief comes over and pinches JH's cheeks and says "How cute! He's blushing!" he said walking away, laughing

"You could be my good luck charm tonight!" John Hunter said excitedly

"Will you stand with me during the national anthem and the prayer?" He quickly asks

"I would love to!!" I said

I was happy he asked me.

"Who brought you here?" he asked me

"Chase" I said

"Oh" John Hunter said

"What was that 'Oh' about?" I asked him

He clears his throat like he's hiding something

"N-nothing. Yeah it's nothing" he said giving me a quick peck on the cheek and left his motor coach

Why is everyone acting so weird?

I love writing this book so much. Anyway, I hope y'all enjoy the update🙊

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