Chapter 19

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"Stop playing games, Chase. Tell me!"

"Okay, okay. So there's this girl that I really like. She's very sweet and absolutely crazy, but I can't get her out of my head. She's the best person that's ever came into this world, in my eyes. That girl is You, Abbi"

He scooted closer to me after he said that.
Chase? Like me? No. This has to be a joke.

"But you like John Hunter. I don't expect to get into a relationship for you, I just wanted you to know how I felt"

I sit there, not saying a word. I've tried talking, but nothing is coming out.

I should've seen this coming but I didn't.

I do like John Hunter, but I kinda like Chase, too?

This is so confusing.

"I need some air" I say jumping up from the couch and step outside.

"Hey Abbi!" I heard a voice say. It was Emma Blaney

"Are you okay? you look a little pale" she says concerned

"Chase just told me he likes me. Emma, I have no idea what to say or do about this. I like John Hunter but Chase.."

She just laughs

"Honey, just think of it this way. If you really liked someone, you probably wouldn't be liking someone else. Whoever you started liking first needs to be dropped.  If you really liked the first person, you would've never started liking the second person."

"Well dang" was all that I could think of

It's so hard being a teenage girl.

Why is being a girl so difficult and confusing? Why couldn't it have been like rainbows and sunshine all the time?

I got to thinking about what Emma told me. She's right.

But I have really strong feelings for John Hunter.

Am I only liking Chase because he said he liked me, or do I genuinely like him?

Maybe I'll figure this out in the morning.

I couldn't sleep at all last night. Maybe I should just leave.

There's a knock at my door so I get up and open the door to see John Hunter

"So..." he said smacking his lips together

"Chase told me you guys talked" he said, not looking me in the eye

"Look, John Hunter. I think I should just go home.  Us 3 have a lot to think about and I can't think when I'm around you and him" I said, putting my clothes into bags and zipping them up.

"Can I atleast take you to the airport?" he asked me

I sighed. I know what will happen. He's gonna take me to the airport, tell me he is deeply in love with me, and whatever I choose will just have to be fine for him.
I don't want to deal with this.

"I don't think that's a good idea. I called a cab anyways" I said shrugging and putting my bags on the floor.

I could see the disappointment in his eyes.

Ever since we started talking, we instantly had a connection.

I never imagined going to races and meeting NASCAR drivers.

Especially never imagined meeting Chase.

After John Hunter left, I finished packing my carry-on bag.

I heard another knock on the door, knowing exactly who it is, I open the door with a small smile.

"Hey Abbi" his deep southern voice said

He made me melt like chocolate in the sun.

"Please don't leave" he said looking at my bags and then at me

"Please don't leave, Abbi"

oh my
who will Abbi choose? 😏
I am feeling much better and I'm on summer break now so as long as I'm not working I should be updating more✌🏻️

I also thought about changing the title of my book because I don't think it really fits the story, what do y'all think?
do you think I should change it or leave it?

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