Chapter 18

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Everyone is acting so weird today when they find out that Chase brought me here. What's the big deal about that? It's not like Chase and I are a thing. I don't get it.

I walk out of the motor coach and I bump into someone

"Oh I'm so sorry I didn't see you there"

"it's okay it was my fault anyways" I brush my hair out of my eyes and wipe off my hands

"Are you okay?" the guy asked me

"I think so" I put my hands on my eyebrow, shielding my eyes from the bright sun

"Good. I'm glad" the guy smiled.

It took me a minute to realize who it was

It was Erik

"You're Erik Jones?" I asked, but knowing the answer

"That's me" he said putting his thumb to his chest like a 4 year old

I laugh like an idiot because that was extremely cute

"Well it's nice to meet you Erik Jones. I'm Abbi" I gave him a small half wave and a big smile

He laughs

"It's nice to meet you, Abbi" he winks, kisses my hand lightly, and walks off

Either I'm crazy or he just flirted with me.
I can dig it if he did, I mean.

After practices and qualifying was done and over with for all the series, it was time for the truck race. This is super excited.

I start making my way down to pit lane to find John Hunter, until I feel a hand grab my wrist

"Hey" His deep southern accent said, followed by a big smile

It was none other than Chase Elliott

"Hi Chase!" I said bringing him into a big hug. He smelled amazing.

He wrapped his arms around me and hugged me longer than he probably should've. I look over to see John Hunter glaring at Chase. Chase noticed, and took a step back.

"What was that all about?" I asked Chase

"What was what?" he asked, knowing exactly what I was talking about

"Why did he give you a dirty look and why did you take a step back?" I ask bluntly

He scratched the back of his neck and shrugged his shoulders

"it's kinda hard to explain. I'll explain later, yeah?" he said

Him and JH are hiding something and I'm gonna find out what it is.


The race was over and John Hunter finished 2nd to Kyle Busch. Not too shabby.

I went back to John Hunter's motor coach to find him lounging on the couch.

"Why did you glare at Chase?" I asked him bluntly

"Because" he said plainly with no emotion

"What are you hiding from me, John Hunter?" I sat down in front of the tv so he couldn't see his game.
He sighed and put down the controller.

"If you wanna know so bad, go ask Chase. I'm sure he'll be happy to tell you"

I cross my arms and huff, hoping that would get him to tell me, but sadly, that didn't work.

"Fine" I say and go out of the motor coach

"Hey Dale!" I scream at Dale Jr. and he comes over and talks to me

"Hey Abbi! Whatcha need?" he asks me raising his eyebrow

"Do you know where Chase is?"

"Ohhh you wanna see Chase, huh?" he nudges me and winks

Ironically, that was not the weirdest thing to happen to me today

"Yeah, I think he's in his motor coach" he added, giving me a smile

"Thanks Dale!" I wave at him as I leave to go find Chase

I arrive at his motor coach and knock on his door. After a few seconds, Chase, who was in a tank top and shorts, opened the door.

"Tell me" I demanded

"Huh?" he asked confused

"Tell me why everyone gets so weird when I mention you" I say getting frustrated

"Oh" he furrowed his brow

"That" he quickly added

"Stop being short, Elliott. Tell me" I say getting more angry by the second

"Well. You see..." he trailed off

I can't believe what he's telling me.

Is this real?

what did he tell her? 🤔 anyways I hope y'all enjoy this update❤️❤️

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