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You curtsied for the crowd before sending them a kiss with your gloved hand and walked out behind the stage curtain. You had taken another English city by storm with your beautiful voice. The last season you had travelled around with a theatre group bringing the famous author Charles M. Barras' book to life as a musical. You have been playing the magical fairy queen Stalacta in a light white dress. You hurried to your dressing room to get your own clothes back on, so you could greet some of the spectators that may give away some of the information you needed. Some of the spectators were of a pretty high rank now that you have come to Brighton. Your experience told you that the higher rank, the more information. You called one of the backstage helpers to tighten your corsage on the back, before you could head out to the great hall where the spectators were waiting for you and the rest of the actors. You thanked the helper and she curtsied before you, before leaving you alone again. You walked to the dresser and found the knife you had taking with you. It was long enough to reach the heart of a man, if you stabbed him in the back. You pulled up your dress to place it in your garters before heading out.

You joined the other actors on their way down the first flight of stairs and you could hear the spectators clap at you, long before you even saw them. You stood at the top of the last flight of stairs looking down at all the people in the great hall. Using your eagle vision you quickly detected your victim; a tall gentleman with a well-groomed moustache and with his top hat in his hands. He was nicely dressed but on his upper right arm was a white band with a red Templar cross. The way he was displaying the cross told you, that the bloody bastard was proud of his ways.

Cutting out all the fuss you went straight against him but as you walking through the people, a little hand grabbed your wrist. You turned around to see a little boy look shyly up at you. He was dressed for the night out with his folks and you could see that his blonde hair was brushed back with an unimaginable lot of saliva by him mother. It was all stiff and gleaming.

"Im sorry miss, but my mother told me to talk to you." He said looking down on his feet.

"Oh yeah? What for, may I ask?" You smiled at him. He seemed very nervous.

"Ey I told my mother that I thought you looked very beautiful, Miss L/N. I am very happy that they brought me here. You see, this is the first play I have ever seen." He stuttered. He was the sweetest little boy you had ever seen, so you crouched down to be in his eye height when you were talking to him.

"Well thank you, for letting my piece be your first musical experience. I hope to see you in the audience another time." You said reaching out your hand for the little boy to shake. He shook your hand very eagerly before he ran off to the woman you assumed must have been his mother. The woman nodded in your direction as you got up. You waved to the family before they finally left.

Now off to find that bastard again, you thought to yourself and searched the crowd yet another time. You found him standing in the corner talking with another man. You went over to them and curtsied before them.

"Ah well is that not the great fairy queen! Or Miss L/N I suppose." The Templar says and takes your hand and kisses your knuckles.

"I hoped you enjoyed the play, Sir?" You asked politely and smiled at him like a real lady.

"It was wonderful indeed. I was enjoyed every bit of it! There was something powerful about your character I really adored, Miss L/N." The Templar pointed out and the man next to him only agreed.

"I'm happy to hear that sir. I get a thrill out of looking down on the audience and see them enjoying themselves. That is what I live for!" You said sounding as passionate as possible.

"That's good to hear. A beautiful young lady like yourself belongs on the stage." He said giving you a look that told you, that it may be time.

"Umh Sir? Can I speak with you... In private perhaps?" You said with a flirtatious smile and reached out for his hand. He looked at you in shock at first but when he understood what your intentions were, he gave your hand a squeeze and excused you two and left the other man. You led him down a corridor and into one of the dressing rooms. You made sure that no one that mattered saw you two walk in the room. You led him in and closed the door behind you. Leaning against the door you took in the present of your victim. He looked hungrily at your body as he came near you.

"I normally never do things like this." He said and rested his forehead against yours before he grabbed you by your hips. It went a little too quickly for your taste so you hurried and swung your leg around his waist before the bastard started to make a serious move. You reached for your knife that you placed in your garters and before he could do anything, you had placed the blade in his back. His body became heavy very quickly as you were holding him up. He started coughing and fell to the floor, fighting for his life.

"You..." Was all he could say between the coughing. You stared him dead in the eyes.

"I am born an assassin, dearest." You said as he coughed one last time and laid perfectly still. You bent and took out the knife and dried it off in his expensive looking coat. Not worth anything now anyway. You started to search his pockets until you found a little letter; the thing you were looking for. On the back of the letter was a red seal with the Templars cross. It had already been opened before, so maybe there would be more people with the information. You could not tell how many that has been reading the letter of course. You opened the letter and saw it was some kind of invitation. An invitation to talk about a position amount the Templars placed in London and it was signed by a man named Crawford Starrick.

You took the letter and stuffed it down the top of your corsage. You made sure that the body of the Templar was laying out of view for those who may pass the door at some point, before heading out again. You said goodbye to some of your colleagues before heading out to your carriage, that you had made an agreement with your accommodation, should be outside the theatre at 9PM sharp.

"Where are we going, Miss?" The coachman asked you, as he held the door for you.

"I hope it is not too much to ask, but we are going to London." 

Okay i am so very sorry if this is not that great, but it is first time i'm actually writing "something longer" in english! I was very inspired by all the great AC fanfic i have found here on wattpad, so i though i may just write my own. Don't know how this is going to go tbh.

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