"You are still here." Was the first thing Jacob said when he awoke. You had only moved very little in the time he had been resting because you wanted to keep your words to him. You thought you owned him that.
"Of Course. But I have to leave soon. Evie needs me." You explained. You had to tell Evie what really happened. She was still clueless if she didn't go to Jacob as you told her to.
"I don't believe that someone needs you more than I do." Jacob said with a smirk and you couldn't help yourself leaning down and kissed his bruised lips.
"I'll be back in a moment. We just have to discuss some things." You got up form the bed and hurried to Evie's wagon. Now that you had spent several hours in the arms of Jacob, it felt horribly cold going around like normal.
"Well?" Was the first thing Evie said, not even lifting her head from the book she was studying. She was doing the exact same thing you had done earlier.
"He's still on our side. He meant well." You said and sat on the corner of her desk she was working at.
"Please explain what you saw." She said and closed the book, but still not looking at you. You explained what Jacob had said to you before falling asleep. Evie nodded a few times but said nothing until you were finished.
"So you are accepting his apology?" She said and folded her hands in front of her. She didn't seem all too surprised with the fact, that her brother had giving you his heart. Maybe she had known for long or simply didn't care.
"Yes, we have made up and everything should go back to normal. We will continue our mission and find and kill of Starrick soon." You said with a hint of a smile on your lips. It was a relive that you suddenly weren't that far from your main goal in London.
"You know, miss y/l/n, our main goal is not to simply kill of Starrick but to find the piece of Eden before he does. It's a very powerful weapon to have in your hands and we don't want the Templars using it." Evie said and got up and walked to the other end of her wagon to get another book. It annoyed you that she felt that she had to explain it to you again. You knew what the mission was and knew it from the start. You had just spent so much time with Jacob that your focus had change but the end result would be the same anyway. It was hard for you to grasp that she couldn't see that.
"Just tell me if you need my help with anything. But mind you that I would gladly make an end to Starrick sooner than later." You explained yourself and crossed your arms.
"Oh please you almost sound like my brother now, just with better manners. I need to do some more research to find out where the tombs may be. Until then we will remain unseen by the Templars. Is that clear?" She barked out orders like you were her pet. You just gave her a half nod and left the wagon. Sometimes you really understood why Jacob had a hard time dealing with her and just did he's own business. If they could both see other the tip of their nose, that them working together would make the whole process so must faster. You needed to do something. Jacob had almost cleared the whole city from the Blighters with his Rooks. Starrick was as good as done. If you could just remove him from his seat, Evie could use all the time in the world to figure out where the tomb and Piece of Eden was hidden. Then it wouldn't be a race to get to it first.
You walked into your wagon where Jacob had tried to sit up by himself. He was rising himself from the bed by his elbows but had a pained look at his face.
"Need any help?" You asked but didn't let him answer before you just placed your hand on his bag and help him further up and placed the pillow behind him for support.
"I'm a grown man, y/n! I can do it myself! Though... I don't mind you fussing about me. Makes me all warm inside like the burn of whiskey." He commented and you kissed him briefly and sat down next to him.

Beyond an Assassin - AC syndicate
FanfictionJacob Frye x Reader The year is 1868 and it starts as a good year for the actress Y/N but she is living a double life. On the stage she is a beautiful lady with and incredible voice but as she leaves the theatre she becomes an dangerous assassin det...