You knew that not long after you went away from the train, Jacob would find out you were missing and know exactly where you went. It was only a matter of time until he or Evie would show up. You could imagine how he would be stressed out and be on his way and Evie wanting him to stay in the train hideout so she could deal with it instead. How foolish of you to think that it would be that easy? The word trap was all over it, now that you were here. You had been lucked up since you came and the sun had raised and fallen three times, since you got caught. Even though you were not kept in a dirty cell as expected, you were tied up to a bed and all your weapons had been taken from you. A few times a day there came a Blighter in and force fed you old bread and water. The boss wanted you in shape for the big revile, they said. You had no idea what that was about, but it couldn't be good. You used most of the day to look up into the fancy wooden ceiling and thought of the pain you had put upon Jacob by being there. You were sure he was pressuring himself too much considering his condition when you left. It couldn't be much better now.
The day after, a couple of funny looking men came in your room. They both looked like they had stepped right out of the Renaissance with their colourful clothes. They had a few less colourful men behind them caring what looked like some heavy clothing chests. At last came the beast, Mr Starrick and spread out his arms as it was a show he was presenting to you.
"My dear y/n." He started and walked pass all the men and over to the bed you were tied to. When he reached for your cheek and stroke it, all you wanted was to bite his fingers off but it wouldn't make your case better. You were in fact tied up on both hands and feet. Oh you wish you could place the sole of your foot in his face and ruin that mustache for good.
"I'm here to invite you to the Queen's ball with me. You have no rights to resist, of course. You know me, I can be quite demanding. These men here will find you the perfect dress for the evening. My spy within your dear Mr Frye's Rooks tells me that both the Assassins will be attending even though one of them looks quite ill. What was it? Oh yes the right arm wouldn't stop bleeding and he was... limping? Doesn't sound too good now, does it? I could order my spy to finish him off so he doesn't suffer anymore, what do you say?" Starrick tried you with a devilish smirk on his face and you were very sorry that this man was still alive now that he was so close.
"If you touch him, I will make your death as long and painful as possible! Mark my words; death will come upon you under my blade!" You spat at him and twisted yourself in hopes that some of the ropes might loosen up but with no effect. It only made Starrick laugh.
"If you don't want me to hurt him, then stop resisting and do as I say, miss y/l/n? Remember I can finish him off with a single snap with my fingers." He said and demonstrated by snapping his fingers and the men behind him started to unpack the clothing chests.
"Untie her and find something that matches with my cravat. It's Bordeaux." Starrick left the room and you waited for the men to untie you. You wanted to kill them all but what would happen to Jacob if you did? You knew that Starrick was telling the truth or else he wouldn't know exactly what Jacob's injuries were and where they would be. You couldn't take the chance of anyone getting hurt. So when the men nervously started untying you, you tried your best not to knock their heads together and punch them in the stomach. You guessed that these men weren't fighters anyway; they were designers. They started to dress you up in what looked like an iron birdcage with 5 layers of fabric above. The dress was lovely and if it was any other occasion than this, you would have enjoyed looking this beautiful and dressed up. You knew the dress was a disadvantage if you should try to escape so you really hoped that Evie, Henry and Jacob got a plan to get you all out of this alive and with the piece of Eden in your custody.

Beyond an Assassin - AC syndicate
أدب الهواةJacob Frye x Reader The year is 1868 and it starts as a good year for the actress Y/N but she is living a double life. On the stage she is a beautiful lady with and incredible voice but as she leaves the theatre she becomes an dangerous assassin det...